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05/24/11(Tue)03:00 No.15032581 File1306220404.jpg-(884 KB, 1280x1024, code_geass_2.jpg)
 Gm: So, you gyus have been bitching about running a mecha game in Japan. I loathe the idea, so BAM, it get's colonized by a the British Empire. You read the details I snet you, right?
Everyone: Sure, sure.
GM: Okay, let's see some characters. Meg, what is this? An immortal mysterious woman ? And your only gear is a straight-jacket costume and 6 pizzas. Great. Tim, you had to use the psyhic powers splat-book, didn't you. And you are a prince of Britain. And how do you pronounce that name? Ehh.
Kate, okay, conflicted pilot, dual heritage, secret identity, blahblahblah, bit corny, but there's potential. Jimmy. All combat, deathseeker, and works for the opposite side. No, no, I expected this. Wait a minute. You are ALL underaged? And you go to the same highschool. Ehh.
Dave. Dave, Dave, Dave. I know I said that you don't have to be all combat or a diplomancer. But he doesn't have anything beyond rank. And you took the flaw Jew. They don't even have that one in the book! And you're in Japan! And Fetish: Unconscious Brown Women? Seriously? Fuck it, let's just play. |