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05/30/11(Mon)02:54 No.15100239 File1306738486.jpg-(247 KB, 785x745, 1306429264125.jpg)
Herald of Unmaking is the undisputed lord of Tomb Two, the largest besides the Central Complex wherein Kaar and his host reside. But the path of this particular Lord was a long and arduous one. Born sickly (even for Necrontyr standards) and of low status, Unmaking grew to become a scientist, drawn to stellar physics. His pioneering particle research formed the foundation for the discovery of the C'Tan. However, he was never credited for this discovery, something that only fueled his resentment. When he learned of the C'tan, the Lord decided on a course of action. He would convert himself into an energy form akin to the C'tan, becoming a Star God himself. Herald of Unmaking never managed to achieve his foolish dream, but his research into energy/matter conversion caught the eye of Lord Kaar, who took him in as a protege.In Necron form, Herald of Unmaking has mastered the art of molding and reshaping his Necrodermis body. Unlike most other Lords, he can take whatever form he desires, sometimes masquerading as a rank-and-file unit, other times appearing as a monstrous war machine.
Id suggest we flesh out these lords with Individual personality and traits, lets say ones Egyptian in aspect, one Roman, one Numidian ... Sound good? It gives room for expansion that way. |