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06/12/11(Sun)13:39 No.15242429 File1307900394.jpg-(140 KB, 601x1000, TheIllusionist-Kwazeel.jpg)
 Ideas for civilizations...
You can have psuedo-egyptians, but make them the evil empire to the north. Always looking to expand with legions of zombies (and use snake themed vodun style zombi) and mummies. They worship their lich rulers as gods.
They are opposed by a Nubian or Somali kingdom that rejects their cruel ways and use of undead. Instead of a centralized pantheon, they follow a number of spirits and their ancestors.
Between the two major civilizations is mostly wilderness. Desert, savanna, jungle, scrublands, swamps, etc. In these uncharted areas you have about a dozen different human tribes, each of which has different traditions.
One tribe is known for it's elemental magic. Another tribe is known for riding beasts. Another has a reputation as mercenaries and assassins. They have their own structure, culture, society, home settlements, etc. There are also many smaller settlements, warlords trying to make their own kingdoms, etc.
You can put your monster races in remote areas or have a couple roaming the countryside as raiders. Gnolls in the desert (some are allied with the Northern empire), lizardmen in the mangroves, centaurs on the savanna.
The two empire to the north and south vie for power and influence in the buffer area, while the people between them just try to make it every day in a tough environment.
Remember that the setting is African THEMED. It doesn't have to be "this is how they actually did it in Africa back then" anymore than most fantasy settings are based on how things actually were in Europe or east Asia. You can make up entirely new societies and cultures and merge them with some themes from the cultures you look up.
And yes, get Nyambe: African Adventures right now. |