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06/23/11(Thu)16:39 No.15363399 File1308861591.jpg-(158 KB, 677x884, Witch.jpg)
 The witches are all ancient crones of various sizes and shapes, and while then tend to dress in black dresses, have twisted and unpleasant features with long stringy hair, nothing else indicates they are witches. They all live together on the far side of town in a row of large, stately Victorian houses surrounded by spiky iron fences and overgrown with ivy. They never leave their homes except on Halloween. On Halloween night, they go out into the skies seeking unguarded babies. If they find one, they will suck out its breath, asphyxiating it. The breath of children is what sustains them, keeping them alive over the centuries, though it never restores their youth.
The witches can fly on broomsticks, yes, but also on any other object they choose to so enchant, including benches, cauldrons, tree branches, etc. Their powers are limited; each witch has a familiar, which serves as their eyes and ears. These include snakes, toads, black cats, crows, etc. Often, the familiars will scout out a house before the witches come in to kill a baby. During the rest of the year, the familiars have the run of the town, so the witches are kept up to date on things despite never leaving their houses. The witches are so old that they remember the town being founded, and they remember the pact that was made. They are a potential source of information if the players want to try to investigate the truth behind the town’s curse, but they will either have to be forced to provide that information, or they might part with it for a price. |