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  • File : 1309240926.jpg-(792 KB, 1600x1200, 1307475346825.jpg)
    792 KB Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:02 No.15408890  
    Fantasy setting.
    Details incomming. Thread is for anyone who would like to contribute to Wall World as a setting.
    The World is just one big cliff face. It averages out as being a 90 degree wall. There are many ledges and people cultivate these. They dig into the wall and live in the caves or make nest like structures fastened to the wall and hanging over the Endless Drop.
    There are no rivers due to the verticle nature of everything. There are waterfalls and rain that come from the uncharted heights and splash down into the unfathomable depths.
    Rope is always in great demand. Giant spiders, burrowers, and things that glide and fly are at the top of the food chain.

    More details and a summary of the last thread are incoming.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:02 No.15408895
    Up High in wall world, the air gets thinner and thinner until it is unbreathable.
    Either wall world never ends in either direction, or it is a floating mass of wall with a spikey underside full of stalactites.
    In many cultures of wallworld, the dead are thrown over the edge, as space cannot be wasted on the dead. In other cultures the bodies are seen to add nutrition to the "soil" (which is more like dust that lays atop the rock) and allow a person's soul to rejoin the Wall. Heretics, blasphemers and traitors are thrown over the Edge. Don't want those fuckers on the wheel of reincarnation, one lifetime in their company was bad enough.
    Most plants are vines and cacti, and those that aren't tend to be found in hanging gardens which only rich, advanced, and or old civilizations have. There are many mountain goats as they are a creature very adept at balancing along the cliffs. There are also a great many giant spiders. The ones that don't eat men are prized for their "spider silk" which is used to make ropes and is somtimes used as a component in the strongest mortar. Some have bred Spider-Goats to combine the good qualities of both animals, but getting the creatures to mate--especially on a cliff face-- takes quite a while and the offspring has a coinflip's chance of being sterile.
    There is a constant albiet slight stream of things falling from above. One rule of Wall World is that there is always someone above you. Coins, rocks, humans, armor, etc often falls and if it doesn't kill someone and isn't big enough to crush a house, it is considered lucky. Things reaching terminal velocity is a problem, though, as when dropped from far up enough, a coin could eventually pick up enough speed to kill.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:04 No.15408905
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:05 No.15408913
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    Many have tried to dig through the Wall to find the other side and by the Maker we wish they hadn't. Things dwelt in the hollow rotten cavities of the World Wall, the Crawlers. Cursed by the sun they are driven back into the wall only to emerge each night and abduct new victims.
    Some of the more suicidal heretics have constructed great false wings of silk and bamboo and vines to glide and fly with the migratory birds to far off worlds. if it worked they must like it there because none of them have ever come back.
    crops tend to be grown on the Great Ledges. As food is the basis of all civilizations these are the Hearts of the Nations. some can be a few miles square, jutting out and scooped into the rock.
    Much war has been fought over them and the dead tend to get buried upon them. New ones are discovered on occasion by Crag Hoppers and always there is a war to lay claim to it.
    Pushing someone off the edge of the World Wall is considered one of the worst ways of killing, and is usually a heinous crime, though the heros of some legends have pushed evil doers off the cliffs.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:07 No.15408920

    I dont know dude, it kind of sounds two dimentional.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:08 No.15408925
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    The most fearsome crawlers are collectively known as "It That Hungers". These Crawlers resemble terrestrial deep sea creatures.
    Imagine an angler fish the size of an elephant, with massive clawed forearms that can dig through granite, its spiked maw can swallow an entire party of adventures whole, and its angler is enchanted with a spell that makes you see the thing you desire most.
    SharkGoblins/GoblinSharks - They often make raids into surface dwellers mines to steal equipment and people for purposes unknown.
    White eyes are the only know herbivorous Crawlers. They spend their lives wondering around the endless caves searching for fungus and slime molds to consume. They live in small family units, doing their best to avoid the more dangerous Crawlers. When encountered by an adventurer, they meerly give him a very sorrowful look with their giant pearl like eyes. Some view them as a death omen. Others find them strangely cute. Goblin Shark Men often take them as slaves for use in small, remedial tasks. They also beat them as a form of entertainment.

    Legend some guy made up. Kinda cool:
    We don't know what they are, and we aren't likely to truthfully find out. But one in a night when the wind is fierce and the creak rope and rigging is loud you will hear them.
    And then you hear the scream. And if you are lucky you won't recognize who it is. But they will scream.
    Don't, little child, don't raise your head from you covers, don't look out your window.
    A flap of wings and it will be gone and so will your friends who screamed so loud.
    Nothing but a house torn open and a family gone forever, torn from the Wall.
    But on those stormy night just you keep quiet and hope you never have need to scream.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:10 No.15408939
    Two dimensional? It's a fucking fantasy setting. All it is is a template for any civilization you want with cliffsn'shit as a condition to adapt to for their survival.
    Just pitch something. As of now I'm thinking a mostly Indian to Eastern Europe aesthetic.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:13 No.15408956
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:13 No.15408957
    this sounds very cool
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:14 No.15408960
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    You do know goblin sharks are real bro. Might want to come up with a different name.

    And I ain't even going to start on how the geology is fucked up. Angle of repose brother, behold what you have wrought and tremble.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:14 No.15408966
    Oh I see. Well to be fair, if you look at the map here >>15408913
    it really isn't two dimensional. Though I suppose that is what most people would think of Wall World upon hearing the name.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:14 No.15408967
    >hurr durr look at me guys I was only pretending to be retarded
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:22 No.15409020
    Are there Cliff Racers? Are mountain goats like the new humans in that they are compatible with everything?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:23 No.15409023
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    So who's reminded of Arianus and Death Gate?

    Just less coralite and all the islands combined into a fuckhuge wall.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:24 No.15409036
    Well... they could be. But on the condition that they are NOT compatible with humans, because I am not dealing with that in a game or setting.
    Do tell!
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:26 No.15409053
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    They tested this on mythbusters. A coin would not kill unless you were looking up and it went through your eye an into your brain. The average human skull is just too sturdy.


    There being an Underside is just a theory. No one has ever climbed down far enough to find it, and people have climbed down quite some way.

    pic related.

    Map of the known world.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:28 No.15409074
    I am apposed to the idea of a molten core due to the existence of It That Hungers. I like to think that if the players want/need to explore the other side of the wall, they can by accessing the tunnels made by the creatures.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:29 No.15409075
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:30 No.15409087
    Op, do you have any ideas for cultures laid out or anything? I'm more interested in the people than the actual setting.
    Imagine living in this fucked up crazy world.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:30 No.15409093
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    is was pointing out that in "Wall World" the only real "Width" is man made or quite rare

    is its a "Flat" wall and thus the comment "2 dimensional"

    pic related

    i really like the idea and wouldn't mind playing a game there
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:31 No.15409101
    So the Wall is of apparently infinite depth, thus containing all manner of fucked up savagery?

    Sounds good to me.

    Maybe the Crawlers are in a constant war with a race of Albino Dorfs.

    Maybe there is another side to the Wall. But to suggest such a thing is Heresy.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:31 No.15409103
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    Really? Samefagging to protect your E-rep?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:33 No.15409116
    How far across does the wall go? If you stay at the same height and go to the side, do you ever find anything, or is it largely unexplored? Does anyone have a map of the wall as seen if you were a bird?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:33 No.15409120
    Nope, just discovered this thread and apparently it's full of idiots.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:35 No.15409128
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    Full retread.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:36 No.15409140
    the height is infinite (unless your a heretic) as is the depth but what about the face of the wall?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:37 No.15409145
    >So the Wall is of apparently infinite depth, thus containing all manner of fucked up savagery?
    This is a good popular belief though to be otherwise could be a good setting thing. Anyway, it is not important because anything as small as that can be tweaked.
    Though I'd like the world to be Really deep. There should be plenty of room for the Crawlers and It That Hungers. I like the idea of constant war, possibly with Albino Dwarves. They don't really bare any particular ill toward those that live on the outside of the wall, they just take their people for food and slaves when they need them. GoblinSharkmen are actually fighting their ancient enemy. Though Albino Dwarves? We can do better than that I think. Something just as alien as the crawlers maybe? What could they be fighting?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:39 No.15409167
    I'm thinking that it is largely unexplored by any one group of people. The oldest and most advanced civilizations tend to be toward the "centre" of Wall-World.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:46 No.15409211
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    "those that live above"
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:47 No.15409222
    So, thoughts:

    There is obviously air. There is also obviously a limit to the air, else it would not get thinner as you went up. For the boundary between thin air and survivable air to not be constantly dropping, there has to be something holding the air in place. Either there is a ground plane somewhere way down there, or there is a gravitational center such that the wall could actually be pictured more as a disc with everything falling toward the center. Either that, or there is something actually producing the air at a constant rate.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:47 No.15409228
    they live on the highest points of the wall far beyond any mortal dare tread
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:50 No.15409241
    some sort of yggdrasil-esk tree in the center of the wall giving off O2?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:51 No.15409257
    Alternatively, it's magic.
    Either there's a god with an odd sense of humour, or some wizard that created some artifact/spell that keeps air in sufficient quantities to breath around a certain point, or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:51 No.15409258

    Way this worked on Arianus was that these things called coral grubs made this pumice like material filled with gas as they few on bacteria and stuff carried on the wind. Downside of this is coralite that's been roughed up like near the surface, is no longer sealed and does fuck all to hold water at the surface making water really fucking rare in the inhabited mid-realm areas...so much so that it was the basis for currency.

    It was literally a broken world created by a race of long extirpated demigods who thought they knew better.

    So the way I would run it on Wall World would be. Both water and land are the basis for currency. 100 barrels of water being equal to ownership of 1 square foot of prime farmland or 10 square feet of bare rock.

    Empires are nestled around old equipment and magical machines that either collect water or dig.

    The races have a certain affinity for each type of magic. The dwarves are diggers but have long left the outside of the wall to tunnel deep and build their kingdom amidst the things that creep in the dark. The humans are the only wall makers of machines and focus fairly on increasing their land area and farming yields. Thus they focus on digging ledges with optimal angles of sunlight through the day and water collection systems.

    The elves live hidden in ancient civilizations with magnificent magical machines rusting in the overgrowth. They no longer care to expand their realms and the old magics hold just enough power to keep the humans at bay for now. Their knowledge and literacy has declined and many simply sell the relics of their once great civilization to the humans for some earthly comforts, living easy lives off the corpses of their empires.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:54 No.15409280
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    Hi guys, I'll just be over here in a survivable cliff-based domicile.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:54 No.15409285
    Brilliant! Do you have any characteristics in mind?
    Ok the last thread failed due to everyone focusing on the physics of such a place. Let's just forget all about the physics, alright? We'll save a rationality for last, because it doesn't really matter and no one that actually lives in wallworld will understand it. For now we are just saying it's in a different dimension where stuff works differently.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:56 No.15409298
    Why do you need the stereotypical D&D races at all? Just make them all human ethnicities, and then include some strange alien things that tunnel deep in the wall.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:57 No.15409310
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    >Posting Anasazi mudbrick

    >Not Petra

    This is how wall cities are made bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:57 No.15409311
    check this out on youtube


    there needs to be a sentient fungus living DEEP in the wall

    cordyceps man, no fucking joke
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)02:58 No.15409315
    Agreed. Partially because humans have always been my pets and partially because I'm tired of everything being sensationalized into elf human and dwarf.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:00 No.15409341

    Well when people start talking about dwarves and knomes and goblins you kind of assume there are or were once elves there.

    I like humans best. So what kind of cultures do we base the human factions on assuming human only main race?

    Berber nomads

    Petra isolationists

    Primitive Tribals
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:01 No.15409351
    they cant breath normal air its to O2 saturated so they live higher up where nothing can grow. They live by eating/absorbing vitamins threw the rocks and dirt. Exoskeletons, and maybe telepathic or hive mind or....i cant think of the correct term but its similar to hive mind but more individual
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:03 No.15409363
    Like I said earlier I am fond of Eastern European and Indian aesthetics, so maybe them as far as clothes and armor.
    Also, I assume ore is easy to find, due to there being very little farmland, these people need something to even out the world they live in.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:03 No.15409370
    My issue is that none of your typical fantasy races are really different enough from humans to justify being a different species. People just do it because of tradition. Hell even the racial physical features are minor enough to be the phenotype of a long isolated human ethnic group. If you're going to have race that isn't human, you should damned well make them inhuman.

    This doesn't prevent some of the ethnic groups from not considering one another to be human.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:06 No.15409396
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    Collective subconscious. They are individual but "aware" of the others.

    Also, only algae/lichen does what you describe bro as far as feeding, and it lives in the thinnest air on the planet. I would pick an algae eater for your critter. Like giant fucking millipedes or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:09 No.15409411

    They actually fixed that in Death Gate by making them genetically incompatible. Can't even make sterile offspring.

    Which was my biggest bitch. "If they can make 1/32 elves then there is not a fucking difference in the first place!"
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/28/11(Tue)03:09 No.15409414
    Where the heck is the theory in the last thread that the Wall is actually one fuckhuge tubular spaceship that landed on its end, and nobody figured out where the escape hatch is?
    Also, there should be areas in the Wall where the Wall itself slopes a bit. And what about earthquakes?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:10 No.15409426
    i was trying to describe a new alien race that could exist on the wall that would work with
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:13 No.15409449
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    It's Halo with fucked up artificial gravity.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:13 No.15409451
    I think for large empires you can look to the Chinese and the Romans. Huge feats of masterful architecture. Platforms of stone support by stone work from below and anchored with cables from above. Terraced agricultural areas carved out of the wall utilizing a natural waterfall to drive an irrigation system. Mirrors of some sort used to reflect additional sunlight into artificial caverns for extra agricultural space. Waterwheels. Entire civilizations who exist by catching falling objects from above in large nets. Look at the technologies they could use and adapt the culture out from there.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:14 No.15409458
    Looks like this project just... hit the wall.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:15 No.15409471

    Video very related. El Caminito Del Rey.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:16 No.15409478
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    humans are human
    elves are old pretty humans
    dwarves are short hearty old humans
    halflings are short humans
    gnomes are short humans with ADHD
    orcs are big dumb humans with ugly skin

    its really sad
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:20 No.15409517
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/28/11(Tue)03:20 No.15409518
    we are human, after all.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:22 No.15409532
    There have been so many Wall world thread i'm starting to get them all confused with each other... idea is cool... some of the ideas.. I don't think this is the first one I saw. sure that had a mist and people were Neanderthal or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:23 No.15409541
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:28 No.15409567
    Here's the thing though. Assuming "lol random magic is whey we has geology" and that you didn't need oceans to make your limestone for your mortar and concrete and that you have metals are readily mineable etc.

    You need clays to make good soil. Shale is terribad for supporting a cliff but makes natural ledges (they are colloquially called slope formers in the field), and fantastic instant soil that doesn't take forever to form like on granite or limestone.

    So fight for the shales for your ledges and farmland. Super easy to dig into as well but be sure to support the roof or doom on them.

    A problem is mudslides and you can't anchor buildings to a shale cliff. Look at all the cliff cities on Earth: sandstone cliffs and occasionally limestone where natural caves were expounded upon.

    Salts in the evaporites will likewise be immensely valuable but deadly areas to be.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:30 No.15409579
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    What do they look like? Do they come back to this idea? >>15409020 Maybe they are less like millipedes and more like goat men?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:32 No.15409590
    We've been over this. No Goat man hybrids.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:32 No.15409591
    Wasn't here for the previous thread(s), but this looks amazing, My own contribution (apologies if someone else has posited these ideas before).
    Drip agriculture; by use of overhanging "privy platforms", the liquid run-off then clings to the wall, where woven nets hold clumps of exceedingly valuable soil to the wall, allowing for crops to grow more-or-less straight up. An entire field of corn, arranged in tiers, with a cantilevered system of irrigation troughs, opened and closed systematically, with the first openings being near the supply and then sealing off, so that the runoff carries further down the line, as it were.
    Like normal cows, but evolved into a thinner, surface-adhering variant. Around three meters across, they graze by crawling over lichen patches and sucking them dry. Easy to domesticate; if you want to keep one nearby, tie one of its "tails" to an outcropping.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:35 No.15409613
    I'd love it if someone could work out how to generate something like Wall World in Dwarf Fortress.

    Also, I'm imagining it would be more like the whole Floating Island thing except instead of floating islands encircling a solar body they'd just be lengthy islands.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:36 No.15409616
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    >Dem fucking flatbears
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:37 No.15409619
    The flatbear is a natural predator of, amongst other species, the flatcow.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:38 No.15409624
    This is beautiful
    This, while a joke, is actually not a bad suggestion.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:49 No.15409663


    1. Surface area. Your evaporation is going to go to FUCKING WATER WON'T EVEN MAKE IT TO THE SECOND TIER when it is hot out.

    If you have enough water where you can waste it and solve that problem then you run into.

    2. Bacteria. Certain bacterial colonies have always been in a symbiotic relationship with plant roots to help them secure nutrients from the soil and their organic acids break down rough rock to become soil. The bacteria will colonize the rock face where the irrigation is dripping down and begin to "rot" or saprolotize the rock.

    After a couple hundred years, your ledge will begin to fall out from under you. In a wet and warm environment, it doesn't long.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:50 No.15409669

    >doesn't take long

    Fucking posting at 3am...
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:50 No.15409670
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    I freely admit I do not know if the privy-platform idea would be a reasonable one; barring the use of some kind of fungal engine which turned waste into uber-healthy fertilizer, I think that most human excreta is bad for plants.

    Again, not an agriculturally experienced individual here.

    A further concept I would like to add:
    Vertical feed fireplaces
    Pic related; conceptual design, open to further modification.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:55 No.15409700
    I have a question about man made platforms.
    Would it be feasible if, resources permitting, you made giant steel rods and fixed them to the cliff by drilling and insertion? By planting the rocks deep within the cliff face and further fixing them with some sort of cement type concoction, could you feasibly support a platform with a few houses on it, or a farm?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)03:59 No.15409718
    to properly support your weight and any excess it would have to be so thick that to heat it would take too long

    when you need to run for the fire for a long time it would overheat the bed
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:03 No.15409734
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    Some quick corrections.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:08 No.15409756
    So if people can fall off of wall world then they must be falling to something.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:12 No.15409772

    A large ocean of water. Unknown to men.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:13 No.15409775

    Hey, if you want to get into how far above a plane or spherical body of a given density they'd need to be for 1G at 1 atmosphere, you can describe a formula for it.

    But I think the OP explicitly doesn't want that.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:17 No.15409793
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:20 No.15409803

    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:23 No.15409814
    More things, horatio.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:24 No.15409827
    This is a fictional universe. Why does gravity have to work the way it does in ours?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:25 No.15409832

    Well it seems to be working the same way in wall world.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:27 No.15409844
    No. It pulls in one direction with around one g, that's all we know. Maybe, in that universe, gravity pulls everything that's not the wall itself in that direction. No matter-matter-attraction necessary at all.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:28 No.15409850
    Exactly. In Wall world down is just down.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:29 No.15409860
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    I'm going to sleep you guys. This better be here when I get up tomorrow.
    here's a goat.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:33 No.15409880

    The Earth also "pulls" objects down at 1 g.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:38 No.15409903
    Yeah. But if the Wall exists on a planet, you could just climb down. Which kind of defeats the concept if you ask me.

    Plus, you could either dig all the way through the wall, or you'd be attracted to it. So we'd have to rename it "the Incline" or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:41 No.15409917

    But if it doesn't exist on the surface then the side of the wall would become the surface.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:41 No.15409919
    water should be mine-able
    namely, it can be found by digging into the cliffside, but it often lies deep inside, which is dangerous

    water close to the surface almost always leads to a cultural center

    there is rain though, using gigantic rain catchers and cisterns, civilization can be sustained in many places.

    Also, any human in this setting would be an outstanding climber
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:43 No.15409929
    Because, as I just said, gravity does not have to work that way.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:45 No.15409940
    make the wall a giant stone rectangle that is long and thin
    it is in the atmosphere or a huge gas giant that somehow has breathable atmosphere at the correct level

    magic reduces gravity to 1g and keeps the wall levitated
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:45 No.15409951

    This makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:47 No.15409970
    So, if you're already using magic, why the fuck do you even need the bullshit with the gas giant?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:50 No.15409984

    Well there is something down there exerting a force on objects and the material the wall is made of or something is somehow resistant to it.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:51 No.15409991
    Why does it have to be down there? Why can't it just be a property of the universe that everything that's not the wall itself falls downwards at 10m/s²?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:57 No.15410030

    I guess there doesn't have to be a force down there but the wall world could be moving so that the people that leave the surface are left behind. But that would only occur if the wall was accelerating otherwise the people that left the surface of the wall would appear to float.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)04:59 No.15410041
    You're still bringing real-world science into a fantasy universe. Why? All it does is make things needlessly complicated. We've invented this setting BECAUSE it doesn't work like reality. That's what this board is for.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:00 No.15410048
    I don't like explaining every single thing in a setting with "magic"
    In this setting, magic is powerful enough to control gravity, levitate the wall, etc, but not powerful enough to make a whole planet

    or you could just go down the "sufficiently advanced technology" route, which I am very fond of

    anyways, the surface of a gas giant will look like just tons of clouds, and the pressure will kill anything that falls, which would explain why the denizens of wall world have no idea what's down there

    for fluff, just have an extremely powerful race of gods (or aliens) make the world as a place specifically because of it's strangeness, they wanted to watch mortals deal with an odd situation
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:02 No.15410056
    it's easier to just take some reality and tweak it a bit with magic than it is to explain everything away with magic

    explaining it all away with magic always seems to lead to stupid explanations for stuff
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:04 No.15410061

    But what if someone wants to play a scientist that wants to discover the forces at work?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:05 No.15410064
    >I don't like explaining every single thing in a setting with "magic"

    But by doing so, you're bullshitting more things with lolmagic than I am.

    You're saying that the Wall is a stone plate that, via magic, ended up in a gas giant, has habitable air pressure via magic, has habitable gravity via magic, hovers via magic and is protected from a gas giant's ridiculous storms via magic.

    I'm saying the wall exists via magic and things fall via magic.

    Just seems a lot less, you know, needlessly complicated to me. I mean it's blindingly obvious that this thing couldn't exist in our universe, so why bother trying to cram it in there?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/28/11(Tue)05:07 No.15410071
    Then let them go wild with whatever theory they may have. That's up to the player... not you.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:07 No.15410073

    It could exist if it was connected to a surface and the peoples of wall world just didn't know it.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:08 No.15410080
    Brilliant idea OP. Nice way to work up a sense of Acrophobia. I think we really need landscape drawfags to work on the imagery though.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:13 No.15410098
    How would physics work? Would the mass of the wall be large enough to exert a small, miniscule gravitational pull on its inhabitants? Even if it were so weak and subtle to be consciously noticed, think about the psychological effects of being pulled towards the wall your entire life.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:20 No.15410127
    How did people even get there? How did they evolve/be created and survive on the wall as caveman level intellect? How did they survive long enough to stop being completely fucking retarded?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:25 No.15410148
    Portals from other planes/universes
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:27 No.15410158
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    >How do you get to Shell Beach?

    Fuck, I gotta go watch the Dark City again.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:31 No.15410175
    There is a day and night on wall world so what does that indicate?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:32 No.15410179

    The air also gets thinner the higher you go.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:35 No.15410195
    How does the sun work? Does it rise from the bottom and set at the top, or vice versa? Seems like any other way would have to involve another horizon, which doesn't fit the setting.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:36 No.15410197
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    >It's da firmament boss

    A little Kickey-Winsey for the folks at home.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:38 No.15410201

    Only one answer is correct. Left to Right.

    >Grorious Frat Wrord!
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:57 No.15410256
    this idea sounds a look like a souped-up version of Gehenna, from Planescape. I might steal ideas :-)
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)10:53 No.15411748
    Airships. Large Lighter than air craft propelled with muscles power via oars, propellors, what have you - they can;t get too far from the safety of Wall, then they would not be able to navigate. But they allow ofr exploration, trade, and in some more ambitious attempts, truly hanging gardens.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)13:43 No.15412991
    There are families of people who, for thousands of years now, have lived in complete isolation from the rest of the Wall. They have built huge nets out of spider-silk supported by wooden struts taken from the Diagonal Willow. They have survived this long by simply collecting any and everything that by the grace of God falls into their nets. And everything falls in eventually. Wine-skins, water bags, loafs of bread, pottery, pans, cloth.

    Being in such isolation from the Wall has often led many people to wonder why it is they have no died out of inbreeding. But it is always a sad fact that occasionally people have fallen off the Wall and it is a blessing to be caught in such a net.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)13:48 No.15413029
    It's not that they can't navigate, if you go too far from the Wall you'll get caught in the maelstrom, which drags the ship up to the unknown heights, where the crewmen suffocate, freeze or worse. Ever so often the lifeless corpse of a vessel that went to far comes drifting gently down as a ghastly reminder of what happens if one defies the laws of the Wall.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)13:57 No.15413109
    There are huge green clouds out there. You can see them on clear days. Bright vivid green.

    They are ballon-shrubs. Huge hollow leaves living off of the mist's and rain and occasional dead pigeon. They float using the thermals and updrafts and the natural movements of the are tend to star them towards each other and form 'clouds'. There are some types of birds and bats that feed off of them and even nest on some of the larger ones, the larger ones being the size of a large house. But what you must always be aware of is that there are other things that will feed upon them. Things with more legs than eyes and more teeth than mercy that spin hand-gliders out of silk and hair. But worst of all is the dreaded Sky-shark. A terrible winged beast that comes only at night and tears houses apart to devour the sleepers within. And the screams, the screams.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)14:11 No.15413218
    There is a constant and regular supply of suns descending from the Above.

    A new one falls every day. They are the tears of a weeping God.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)14:19 No.15413280

    The Priests say we should not ask why the god or goddess is crying, only pray that thier sorrow does not cease, not without the Weeping God, empty night will fall, forever.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)14:20 No.15413302
    But the question is; are they tears of joy or sorrow?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)15:12 No.15413750
    The God cries tears of joy from seeing his/her beloved humans survive one more day.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)15:27 No.15413884
    They are tears of sorrow that the Weeping God must ever cry to save his children from the creepers and the night; turned joyous by the continual survival of man.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)15:29 No.15413901
    Every time dusk falls it is because the Creator has stopped weeping because we have survived. Every time dawn arrives its because she weeps anew for the poor bastards taken that night somewhere on the Wall by the Crawlers.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)15:58 No.15414168
    I'm awake again so I just decided to give this thread a little bump in hopes that new life blood can be pumped into it.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:03 No.15414215
    My question is what types of quests can you have in wall world that you can't have anywhere else?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:10 No.15414288
    The extremely vertical kind.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:10 No.15414289
    Well I've never heard of a setting where you can fight spider goats. Besides, it's not about what you can do here that you can do no where else, it's more about how the things you do here are now much harder than in other settings.
    Imagine grand sword-fights taking place with everyone gripping a face of cliff. It makes combat much more challenging for everyone involved because one slice of a sword, poke of a spear, or whack from a mace and they're rolling to see if they're plummeting into the endless drop.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:16 No.15414352
    You know, my friend pointed out something very interesting. How does warfare work?
    He also pointed out that no matter how they "march" (via tunneling, climbing rock face, whatever) tunnelers are going to be a big problem, because if the enemy army can locate your position, prepare to have the enemy pour out from the walls. Which leads to the question of how they defend against such a thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:26 No.15414449
    Well needless to say they will still use spears, though they will be using ones short enough to be one handed. Reach is still an advantage in cliff hell.
    Really how they will probably do it is a series of elevators with armed guards and outposts ensuring that no one sabotages the elevators.
    Really if they are very large elevators then they might become the primary battle grounds of the wars. He who holds the elevator holds victory after all, because if your army can get around a lot faster than the enemy's then you've probably just hit the win button unless they do something quick.
    So there would probably be huge outposts guarding the elevators, but the question is how do you lay out a massive outpost on a cliff?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:28 No.15414470
    I get the impression that you're making a point of resources being extremely limited. I think you're shooting yourself in the foot there. Would be more interesting if there where but buildings and scaffolding cities built into the wall. Like in OPs pic
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:29 No.15414485
    Tunneling is slow and only really useful during a siege or a defense. In the time that one could tunnel 100 meters, an army could travel 5 miles...

    But yes, sappers and countersappers are probably going to be an important part of combat, but don't forget the use of airships.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:32 No.15414525
    I think we've established that there are plenty of resources as far as ore is concerned. Wood could be prevalent or rare depending on where you live. Obviously people will grow trees on ledges or in hanging gardens, but maybe there are a great many trees that just grow up out of the cliff face in a J shape.
    Yeah plus we're talking about tunneling through solid rock...
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:37 No.15414571
    Look at the Op pic. Like that. Or like how those indians in midwest america used to do it. Adobes fucking everywhere poking out from the wall. Though the thing is, the outpost will probably want to hug the cliff as close as possible and might even bee embedded deep within the rock face to protect against man made avalanches.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)16:42 No.15414624
    Elevators could be like tanks in world war one
    Big, slow, cumbersome, heavy, and claustrophobic as hell, but essential in... whatever trench warfare would be.
    Also, maybe there could be really strange creatures at the really high altitudes. Not Typical Fantasy Creatures, but something really bizarre.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)17:04 No.15414890
    Welp they'd be important. Probably really really important. So I guess we could equate them to tanks simply because elevators would be a war winner.
    I have a question. Could you make an elevator work well using chain? Mainly so some asshole couldn't sneak up and cut the rope, and so that you don't have to dig a shaft to hide the rope.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)17:46 No.15415459
    Here's an interesting thought: the world is entirely normal, the world IS a planet, it orbits a star, but for whatever reason gravity is rotated 90 degrees. Things fall sideways, though to everyone present it doesn't feel like sideways at all.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)21:28 No.15417672
    Oh, and drop the whole "gas giant with it's gravatinos and electromagnetism plus magic" explanation. It's better there isn't one. Makes you focus more on the people, creatures and places that make a world really interesting.

    For instance...
    Advanced denizens of Wall World (not a very good name, but whatever) could have access to devices that do their climbing for them, and hence can rule as gods over the petty climbers. Of course, like elevators, these machines are bulky and hard to maintain, so It's not that good for horizontal combat. Plus, if it craps out on you completely and you're not horizontal, you are fucked. Period. These would probably serve as escape pods for VIPs, or Special Forces, or well to do hunters.

    My god, this is the nerdiest thing I've ever done
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)21:59 No.15417924
    What does Wall World look like at night? Are there stars or just blackness?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)22:12 No.15418014
    I have this vision in my head of a party of adventurers moving through a lichen covered tunnel and encountering White Eyes, thinking they're about to be devoured by Crawlers, only to stand there looking silly as the harmless White Eyes slurp the lichen off of their armor and equipment and chit chat about the kind of things cave dwellers talk about (the soil, the quality of the lichen, beetle migratory patterns).
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)22:13 No.15418020
    I think in war, having a height advantage could make or break a war. Most soldiers or commanders will try to get above their enemies so they can fling rocks or spears at them, and the country further up would conceivably have an advantage during the initial fighting. Barring of course, the tunnelers.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)22:16 No.15418047
    Depends. IF this place is just one obscenely large cliff, there could be stars. Or those could be holes in a giant sphere which covers the supposedly infinite wally world. Or it could be the place really is infinite, and there are stars Just Cause. Or, the whole sky could be blackness, because there is another even larger wally world out there... of any of the above mentioned reasons. In other words, who knows. Pick which one is most interesting/would please the OP/is coolest.
    From what I've read, this forum is all about world building.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)22:42 No.15418281


    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)22:53 No.15418375
    I vote for this.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)22:57 No.15418423
    I thought we weren't going to do typical fantasy races?

    Whatever. Just as long as there's enough weirdness in the beatsies to make up for it.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)23:09 No.15418519
    I imagine the cities in wall world as being mostly inside the wall Essentially a system of wide tunnels and carved stairs or ladders separating floors. Typically the rich would own large multifloor spaces nearest the outside. Thus, the rich would be most likely to have windows. The separate floors would generally be held up by large stone pillars, but even so, cave-ins would be fact of life, especially in the slums, generally located much deeper into the wall cities, where the poor would live and probably toil away in nearby mines. The reason for this being that the rich, relatively far away from the poor are much less likely to be eaten by crawlers than the poor, who are not only numerous, but readily available to the crawlers, as the live right next cave to them. Though of course there would have to be militias and such, formed to keep order, and defend the cities from crawler attacks, should they do try to venture into the heart of the city, which would be of dire importance, as a single large crawler is more than capable of collapsing multiple floors of the city onto the helpless citizens, thus being a part of one of these militias is a very respected position. Unfortunately, this often causes corruption among their ranks, as they typically can be huge pricks, and whose going to stop them? Not you, peasant, if you don't want The Maw to pay a visit to your home.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)23:16 No.15418570
    Wall World is just the outer skin of bottomless pit world, aka Fall World.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)23:34 No.15418713
    That would be awesome and make a bit of twisted sense. Anyone have a link to the bottomless pit world discussions?

    Hey there's no reason not to try to make such races.

    Perhaps a race of beetlemen or crabs-tortoises that travel in small roaming bands and serve the purpose of merchants, carrying large loads on their back and moving from settlement to settlement. That or roam wartorn areas or battlefields and remain below to catch weapons, shields and the like while using their shells or carapaces to protect them from injury.

    Or hell, sentient millipedes.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/29/11(Wed)00:26 No.15419069
    >their saliva containing some sort of mind altering substance
    It makes the victim forgetful, suffering from chronic amnesia. Duration is 3 hours from last time they drink. If they don't drink more after 3 hours they may remember everything, but prolonged drinking of the saliva causes permanent amnesiac bouts.
    >> sorry that image was just horrible Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)00:56 No.15419301
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    lethe (hell) nom (omnomnom)
    These creatures are basically massive stomachs surrounded by mouths. These creatures live to eat, and do so commonly. The creature's teeth are adapted to appear like stalagites and stalagmites, with their saliva containing some sort of mind altering substance. Unsuspecting individuals can sometimes spend hours in these creatures, slowly dissolving in their stomachs. Likewise, A Lethom's body is a common watering hole for all sorts of cave fauna
    like those giant milipides or something.

    Sorry, I can't do creepy. Basically Sarlacs INNN CAAAVVEES
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)01:12 No.15419453
    So wallyworld is Hell for Acrophobiacs, literally.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)01:34 No.15419618
    this is how ive always pictured the wall. This, but too huge to get to the wasteland, uninhabitable top, and the air gets too dense/poisonous near the bottom. Make it HUGE, and the inhabitants will just believe it goes on forever. Seeing as how noone has proved it wrong.

    Also the possibility of rivers flowing off the top of the wall, making waterfalls/vertical rivers. One thing that i havnt seen mentioned from the last thread is the possibility of 'fallers' people who fell off the wall at some point above, either alive or dead or some inbetween state. The possibility of cannibals/cults lower on the wall centered on the 'gifts' from the wall. The higher up tribes possibly throwing things to the abyss as a ritual/punishment.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)01:35 No.15419629
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    it would seem i have the dumb today.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)01:36 No.15419638
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)01:52 No.15419728
    There are trees in the wall word.
    Rubbery trees.
    They grow sideways and have branches interwoven in the shape of a catcher's mitt or basket. Usually they catch rocks, but then just bend and snap back into position. Other times they catch dead animals tumbling down the wall. Then the rubber trees curl up their branches and retract towards their roots, slowly absorbing what nutrients they can from the fallen.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:11 No.15419833
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    Cool thread! /tg/ back in old shape?

    Haven't read it all yet, but it reminded me a bit of the Celestial Kingdom in Simmons's Endymion (or was it Rise Of_?)

    Anyway there's a bunch of colonized worlds each with distinct ecology and culture. Tienshan I think was the name of a world with impressive mountain ranges and no survivable atmosphere below the cliff faces.

    The people live in an overemphasized clone of Himalaya Buddhism, all very solemn and well pronounced. Discipline is a value held in high regard, even by the most daredevil explorers. One gets around by narrow paths hugging the rock slowly, rappelling down mile long steel wires at some peril of falling in an accident, or avoiding the walls through powerful up- and downdrafts in bamboo hang gliders.

    There are summits which it is possible to climb in dangerous expeditions, but most are in air too thin to breathe or even survive in without pressure suits.

    An omnipresent danger is the necessary reliance on ancient wooden walkways and bridges, rock nails which are prone to failure, infinite cables hanging in free air vulnerable to the simplest mischief, and the need to know where you are going and how the route looks to be able to gauge equipment and food needs lest one gets stuck on some deserted range in a storm without shelter, food, or fuel.

    It is a world of every day mountaineering. Where kids get a climbing harness before they get their first shoes. And where people just disappearing over the edge is regrettable but commonplace.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)10:33 No.15422575
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)10:50 No.15422658
    Where's the horizon on this world? The sun may come up at "midnight" or "4AM", but after noon the sun is gone behind the rock ledge. Depending on where the sun rises and sets, you could have anywhere between a 2/3 day 1/3 night or 1/4 day 3/4 night cycle.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)11:17 No.15422795
    I have to agree. Shelves, crannies and gouges some deep into the Wall would be more interesting, they'd be the empires and the superpowers of the Wall. places where water and soil could collect, where the edge is not an ever persent danger.

    Of course if shelves become too powerful or prominent, they overuse or undermine thier supports... Legend tells of the Iron Duke who ruled a shelf that extended far into the air, and mined deep into it, making the finest steel for his armies. They were nigh unstoppable until the Weeping God saw them slaughtering thier fellow people. The wall rumbled, the ground shook, and the armies of the Iron Duke returned after thier battle to find broked rock, scoured and empty, and no trace of thier homeland.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)11:29 No.15422866
    Direct sunlight =/= daylight

    Atmospheric dispersion
    What do you think they do in the arctic circle?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)11:51 No.15422985
    Get direct sunlight for a good portion of the year?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:25 No.15423167
    I love this thread. Anyone got anything else? Perhaps some cool races for use here? Non-human ones, I mean. Or cultures based on the Indians or Chinese?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:19 No.15423543
    Some say that there is another Wall out there somewhere, beyond he 'Endless' Sky. They say that it may be inhabited by creatures not so unlike out selves.

    There is a name for these people.

    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:35 No.15423670
    Or alternatively, bacteria rotted away the rock underneath/beside their kingdom, and caused it to collapse into the Neverending Void.
    Also, might wanna tone down the heretic stuff, otherwise it just becomes another W40K clone.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)14:19 No.15423939
    No, I think the more supernatural explanation words from an in-world viewpoint.

    Heresy as a taboo is different from heresy as a death scentance. and though player groups might make massed armies to march all over the Wall, that's not the standard action - with armies on the move so vulnerable, they'd be more for use as skirmishers, raiders and intimidators rather then killing forces. More like the old cattle raids in Ireland.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)15:51 No.15424837

    >Implying dogs and wolves are not the same species

    They can interbreed freely and create fertile offspring. At best you can argue they are a ring species because the smallest dogs cannot physically copulate with the biggest ones.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:05 No.15425014
    Heresy is as much a meme of WH40k as Sieg Heil is of the Nazi Party, even if Doctors Without Borders took it up as their slogan.

    So don't justify your brainfarts, you're making it worse.

    Also monolithic ideologies never work in cramped places. As soon as the preciousness of life passes a certain threshold on a macroeconomic scale, tolerance and acceptance become necessary survival strategies for society as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:17 No.15425150
    Why the fuck the physics eh? Fantasy setting not need maths, okay?

    Sunrise and horizon: The sun does not rise over the horizon. The sun is a ball of magical light about a mile across that wanders on a set course (mapped out by ancient mystics) through the fog of night. The fog of night is a special kind of fog that is only visible when the sun is not present. Funny enough, it looks a lot like darkness, but (according to the ancient mystics) it is definitely a constant fog that is only visible when the sun gets a certain distance away.

    One who lives on the wall will find that the sun visits them on a regular course, on a regular basis, as it follows its path. If one wanders the wall, they might find the sun on them more or less often.

    It has been said that there is more than one sun; to agree with these ancient blasphemers is heresy.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:58 No.15425464
    You're gonna have to deal with the top and bottom somehow...players will crank out endless retarded shit and derail most everything to check that out. Despite them being wieners you should have a legitimate reason why continuing either becomes impossible or make a plan for what's really up or down there and why things are the way they are. Claiming it's MAAAAAAAGIC will only take it so far and in truth is a giant cop out.

    Is the world the remnants of a planet cracked in half and somehow is preserved? People can't really climb down through the exposed core of a planet...and that'd only be the halfway point...perhaps their are "lava leviathans" or some shit flailing around down there of unfathomable size...

    Perhaps the world is the strip-mined remnants of a planet consumed by some ancient race who's now moved on.

    Maybe I'm off base and you like the endless up and down. To that...all I can say is meh.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:38 No.15425753
    Poison gas below, unbreatheable thin air above.
    There, done.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:52 No.15425885
    There are people who fall. Most live only a few days as dehydration kicks in. Some are not so lucky.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:17 No.15426115
    Then adventurers would just invent gas masks, and check out the realm below, to hunt lava monsters and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:21 No.15426137
    Didn't we already invent this setting?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:21 No.15426143
    won't work, stop railroading.

    visibility zero
    no filter works
    no air tight seal without industrial rubber
    poison gas gets corrosive, eats masks, skin, steel
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:23 No.15426151
    >depth is infinite

    Seems like a good belief for the people to hold, but "dark" wizards should know what lurks at the Bottom......true horrors and unlivable terrain.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:28 No.15426176
    There are Goblins, but they are monstrous beasts that live far inside the Wall and tunnel through using their steel talons.

    Dwarves live on massive air ships that travel from city to city.

    Elves are a nearly extinct race that are rarely encountered.

    Now you have the basic fantasy races with a bit of flair to make them new.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:46 No.15426292
    Yeah. Listen. Flying Dwarfs is not 'a bit of flavor', it's downright ludicrous. Dwarfs dig tunnels and mines.

    Elves can fly around, no problem. Their ancient high tech makes pretty airships.

    I imagine some Pteranodon like flying lizard race. Smart like dogs, hunt in packs, impossible to grab because THEY FLY, and generally a bad omen. Their croaking rally call is one of the most feared sounds, almost as bad as the whooshing heard when they attack in freefall.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:50 No.15426310
    I'd like some sort of beetle or shelled race, something completely alien and strange, perhaps.

    I'd rather keep actual flight to a low minimum. It adds to the suspense and grittiness.

    You might be thinking of the bottomless pit world. Did we remember to save that setting?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:50 No.15426312
    Was just throwing idea around.

    Maybe Dwarves have tunneled so far into the Wall they have disappeared? Or maybe they have tunneled into the Bottom and can somehow survive there?

    I like the idea of the flying dog men, makes life interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:04 No.15426392
    I don't want players flying overly much (at all), but flying animals that attack anybody exposed in their territory?

    Ever seen Hitchcock's Birds? Like that, only Mastiff sized...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:09 No.15426426
         File1309388963.png-(60 KB, 500x484, Pteranodon_longiceps.png)
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