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!EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)01:01 No.15467088 File1309755674.jpg-(59 KB, 526x600, beastman.jpg)
 >>15466743 >>15466839 (Wow, that's a lot.)
The days following are hectic indeed, but productive. But still, progress is being made, and Tzeentch advocates nothing if not progress.
Already it becomes apparent that you hold Tauresius in high esteem. Slowly, your orders funnel through his eloquent, though guttural, voice.
It seems as though the beastmen are already adept at training, or at least pointing, the spawn against their enemies. All but the ninth sage-spawn is vicious and volatile in battle, but you feel as if the circular abomination is intended for other plans. Really, it pleases you greatly how well the beastmen function without your input, as the bestigors are already establishing a chain of command. The spoils of the ship is readily spread through the warband, and while there is little in the way of armor or ranged weaponry, the axes and swords find good masters in the feral beast hands.
Perhaps the only true test is that of the slave's task of teaching the beastmen the finer points of seamanship. Hour after hour, you see her grimace and beat the hapless ungors and unfortunate gors that have been given her to train. While little progress is being made there, you haven't seen her this happy since you were being put under personal pain yourself.
A full week has passed, and you are more prepared for whatever action you will take. What to do now? (2d12 and action, first four rolls considered) |