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07/30/11(Sat)21:10 No.15762125 File1312074647.png-(11 KB, 509x564, Starmap.png)
 Here's what I got for campaign rules so far:
Campaign 1 (Working title: hunt for the treasure) Goal: find treasure located on one of the worlds in the system
an impartial outsider picks a random system on a map to hold the treasure (pic is an example from a similar, non 40k game I did a while ago)
each player picks one outlying system to be their "base"
Both sides have an initial fleet bridge, and crew.
250pts for your fleet
100Pts for the bridge
200 points for crew campaign is taken in turns. each turn, player rolls a d6 and may travel up to that many systems away. one their they may choose to either:
A) raid shipping. gain (2d6)*10 points that may be added to fleet,bridge, or army lists or
B) search they system for the treasure. if the treasure is not present, the impartial outsider may choose to give a warmer/colder hint to the player that searched the system, out of earshot of the other player(s)
Once treasure has been found, a player must get their fleet back to their base. the player who has the treasure may only make d3 jumps.
if two opposing fleets occupy the same system, a battle is initiated.
Fleet/bridge/crew lists may not be changed between battles Comments/criticism? |