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08/04/11(Thu)23:28 No.15824716 File1312514913.jpg-(192 KB, 640x480, 1309985944881.jpg)
 Well, since we're sharing our bittersweet stories, might as well throw mine out here.
For the better part of my early years, I was bored as fuck. Classes were too easy because of the broken education system, next-to-nobody shared my interests, and while I had a few lasses interested in me (I was the nice guy archetype and they were all on rebound), the most I did was putz around with the relationship until they got too annoying and one of us called it off. It wasn't hell per se, and it certainly wasn't worthy of dying my hair and listening to 'edgy' music. But it was unpleasant. And then I met her.
She was petite and tomboyish, a good 3/4 to one foot under my height, with short red-brown hair and a cute, button nose. She had freckles, which I found highly adorable, and while she was fairly flat-chested, I don't think I've ever seen a finer ass in my life. But above all that, there were her eyes. They were green, but not your usual green. They were this bright, cheery green, like the sun shining through a canopy of leaves. And they seemed different. They seemed, well, -alive-.
She was fun to be around, too. She was a tad violent, but in a harmless, playful kind of way (possibly a moot point considering that I'm built like a bear and have a high tolerance for pain). Had a very catgirl-esque demeanor, and something tells me that she would not be averse to wearing ears and a tail upon request. She was intelligent, silly, geeky as all hell, and she knew how to fire a howitzer. No, I'm not joking. She knew how to arm and fire a goddamn howitzer.
So this was it. The first person that I'd actually developed some manner of real feelings for. That one girl who was, in my opinion, perfect.
Naturally, I fucked up. |