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!!dhiaTDikv+F 08/17/11(Wed)19:22 No.15973307 File1313623356.jpg-(144 KB, 1066x465, Brink_Hero.jpg)
 >>15973194 ALLRIGHTY
You are Jessica Stahl. Your Family came here on a small fishing boat they bought for a kings ransom. Your family was lucky enough to get even that, as the great flood of 2020 caused panic everywhere. And lucky you, you happened to be of use to the Ark, a floating city,a self-sustainable echo-green CO2 fightin' machine. once the waters were almost done rising, this place was a fairytale, a myth, a prayer. And 2 years ago, your family found it. The ark was hesitant letting so many "guests" in at first, but once the flotilla arrived they had little choice. You managed to get your family a nice home in the original part of the Ark, and not the Container City scratchbuilt slums on the southside. You secured your place on the arc as a Doctor, quickly being enlisted as a field medic when the riots started. Seeing as how the Ark had a limit of sustainability, when a 10,000 new people were introduced, things had to be rationed, above all water. When the concept of water rationing was introduced, it seemed necessary. Then the Guests grew discontent with the amount of water they were given. They began to protest, demonstrate, and now, attack. You were just with your squad, constisting of Jeremy the Engineer, J'hamon and Hirachi the soldiers and Cole the "operative". Cole is such a fucking creep. You can never tell what he's saying with that fucking mask on. You were in the local Shopping center, patrolling, when suddenly you heard lots of shouting. Angry shouting. A molotov exploded through a nearby window and you realized that those goddamn rebels were at it again. You are armed with a light, semi-automatic rifle and a PDW. Wat do? |