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08/24/11(Wed)23:42 No.16055291 File1314243752.jpg-(48 KB, 444x333, Bucephalus_SC2-WoL_CineHeirApp(...).jpg)
 >>16055102 (Ok. Both situations were pretty cool. I flipped a coin)
As we watch from our cloaked units in each system, we see the Morian military and the Confederate military put their fleets on alert after receiving Umoja's distress call. Moments later, the Confederate fleet jumps to warp. It arrives soon after in Umojan space, and begins trying to flank Kerrigan's forces. It is obvious that Kerrigan's fleet will either need our support, or she will need to retreat to survive.
Following the plan, we immediately send in our fleet behind the Confederate forces, trapping them between two walls of Zerg forces. A pitched battle ensues, as Kingston's forces remain organized even against great odds. Several of our capital ships and one of Kerrigan's carriers are destroyed, but the battle is definitely going our way. Umoja's orbital defenses hammer us, but their shared encryption algorithms with Kingston's forces prevent friendly fire (Cyberbrate predicted this might happen, and we have limited success with our technological units in masquerading as friendlies). Umoja seems certain to fall.
However, just after our forces arrive to confront the Confederate military, the Morian fleet jumps to warp. Knowing the numbers, we doubt we can fight off both Terran powers at once, especially if the Morians are able to crush one of the Zerg forces against Kingston's fleet.
We needn't worry, though. The Morian fleet does enter a battle when it comes out of warp: against the Tarsonis defense grid. Moria appears to be attempting to invade the Confederacy! It's hard to direct a battle and watch another, and as always, all Terrans sort of look the same, but it looks like Moria has a real chance.
(Told you the /tg/ dice made things interesting. Roll a d100 to see how good a chance they have. Also, if you've got wild ideas on how to participate, we can discuss them) |