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08/26/11(Fri)18:35 No.16075730 File1314398146.jpg-(167 KB, 869x1098, 1312640527547.jpg)
 >>16075655 My character is getting a understanding of politics through a human that served as a wolves servant for years before escaping.
From what I understand the Anthro's political system is very birth based. Furries being the top, Wolves are the STRONGEST for some reason. Then everything under that is treated like second class citizens or shit all together.
Mythical humanoids like Centaurs, Satyrs, Harpies, all those mentioned are the working class and horribly mistreated from what the DM told me OOCly.
Insectoids like the ants are despised as some sort of boogieman, their the furries equievelant of the Goblin or Kobold.
Humans are the lowest of the low over a war that happened over 5000 years ago, and by the looks of things never actually happened.
Apes, monkeys, gorillas, Orangutangs, and the other various chimps are foreigners all together and don't live in Anthro territory due to cultural disagreements and now all-out war.
My proclamation will be somewhat fairy-tale esque I guess. All men and women will be treated equal. A Centaur will be respected as a man and not a beast, same goes for Satyrs and Harpies. Apes are more than welcome into the nation, and will be allowed to own land if they choose to stay.
Brorilla will be my right hand man and closest advisor, followed by the servant dude and possibly one of the working class repersentatives.
Anthro's will not be allowed inside the boarder at all cost, but any other foreigner like dwarves and elves are more than welcome to apply for citizenship or visit or trade, etc.
I'm not sure if the rest like Goblins and orcs exist, but since I never hear about them, if they do I don't think they'll be all that HURRR SMASH. |