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08/31/11(Wed)11:07 No.16130279 File1314803275.png-(273 KB, 800x891, b1ec2592d3fe753da93dc848460607(...).png)
 >>16130049 >(Strength/2) - 1 (round down)?
I'm starting to think that (Original TN / 2) - 1, rounded up, might be more fitting though. This gives us a chart of:
Original TN 1-2: You shouldn't even bother rolling for this. Foolproof. Original TN 3-4: Difficulty 1. Easy, simple. Original TN 5-6: Difficulty 2. Average, default. Original TN 7-8: Difficulty 3. Challenging, tricky. Original TN 9-10: Difficulty 4. Difficult. Original TN 11-12: Difficulty 5. Very difficult, hard. Original TN 13-14: Difficulty 6. Extremely hard, amazing. Original TN 15-16: Difficulty 7. Lunatic mode, unknown mode, heroic.
>Give everyone a toughness boost. Toughness works the same way as armor, very simple.
That's exactly what I suggested last thread, free Toughness, Endurance, and Health 7 for all characters. That is subsequently what I got, like, ten posters shouting at me for badifying the game for.
>-Change the head/neck/groin damage chart to the same as the torso. Attacking these parts now yields the same results as hitting the other big part of the body.
I just decided to give the head, face, collar, and throat a non-stacking, natural AV of 4. Maybe the groin too.
Would switching the head, face, collar, throat, and groin damage charts to the torso chart be any more intuitive and simple to parse for the players looking through the damage tables? |