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09/16/11(Fri)03:43 No.16313268 File1316158989.jpg-(212 KB, 1178x777, meyers_g.jpg)
 >>16313183 see? 3 Soc isn't completely unworkable.
Manfred greets the outriders formally, calling upon a stableboy to bring wine and cheese to quench their thirst and sate their hunger. He stumbles through the old phrases Marriane taught him as a boy (for he is a man now, he reminds himself).
Just as the Havrisham servants set up a table with cheeses, bread, and wine, the carriages come to rest inside the yard.
The rearmost carriage's door open first, and a cluster of serving-folk swarm out to attend their betters. The lead carriage is opened, revealing two dark-haired beauties, one somewhat older and lovelier than the other, both dressed in gowns of an unfamiliar cut and strange material. The younger girl descends gracefully, immediately turns, and offers her hand to help the older girl down. Strike that. She offers her hand to help the young woman down. As she descends Manfred is not entirely sure her feet touch the floor of her carriage, the step her serving-boy had set down, or the ground below. For a moment, both Manfred and Sir Perceval are struck dumb.
"Sir Perceval, this is my sister Laskara. Please forgive her presence while we do men's business. She has traveled little and insisted on accompanying our father."
Sir Perceval turns to Manfred. His face is red, his easy manner shaken. "I shall go see what is detaining my lord father," he announced. "Young Manfred, please attend our guests in my absence. I shall return presently."
Perceval turns on his heel and walks briskly back to the manor keep. What do? |