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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 09/29/11(Thu)04:56 No.16463107 File1317286573.jpg-(467 KB, 1273x1620, 91a14d2fb1560b03cef400942ec6a9(...).jpg)
 “A pity he didn't love /you/...” Alyvia replies blandly. A pause then a flurry of blows. You use the distraction to swing your tail around, swatting at the elf. She seems to notice at the last moment, diving into a roll with it, reducing the impact from 'bone shattering' to 'sickening'. Somewhere in the chaos of the collision, she somehow gets an excellent cut with her knife in, carving a deep, almost foot-long wound into your tail. The knife is rent from her hand as she is hurled into the air, then skipped along the piles of gold and loot, coming to a halt nearly four dozen feet away. Though not unconscious, when she attempts to rise, she collapses a quarter of the way, much more wisely choosing not to move.
Meanwhile, the paladin again trades blows with Scinnari, a frantic feint-thrust-parry-and-counterthrust, so close you dare not physically intervene yourself. As you boasted to the paladin, though, you have other options. You pull back to unleash a blue-white blast of flame. Alyvia's divine protection chooses that moment to make itself felt again, as she wards off another flurry of blows from Scinnari, the golden hemisphere diverting and blocking your flame. Around them, though, gold and silver melt on the spot, some of it even vaporizing in the blast, glowing almost as bright as your flames themselves. Scinnari's blade cuts through the gaseous residue unhindered, catching the paladin a glancing blow to her shoulder, shaving her pauldron nearly off, but failing to do crippling damage. A trickle of blood is visible through the sundered plate armor, and a scraping sound is audible as Alyvia engages in a desperate counter attack. Through blind luck- literally, as she must be blinded by the glow of molten gold- she scores a very solid, perhaps even lethal blow on Scinnari. At least, what might have been, if it was not stopped short by the dragon scale armor your consort wears. |