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  • File : 1317260913.png-(94 KB, 650x500, 23.png)
    94 KB Hope Quest 2 Hope !!Ksq8t/NVL9S 09/28/11(Wed)21:48 No.16459095  
    Chapter 1

    Fate smiles at Hope. She says she really 'hopes that Hope wasn't killed by Mr. Friendly and that 'hopefully' things will be a bit more 'hopeful'.

    Hope is not amused.
    >> Xenogenitor 09/28/11(Wed)21:51 No.16459136

    Tell her that we were fated to survive Mr. Friendly's friendliness.

    Also, inform her that slenderman is on the loose.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:53 No.16459156
    Show fate the "Odd Key"

    Ask her if it's hers.
    >> Hope !!Ksq8t/NVL9S 09/28/11(Wed)21:55 No.16459188
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    >Tell her that we were fated to survive Mr. Friendly's friendliness.


    Hope informs Fate that the statue in the other room was freaking out. Fate says she has no idea what that could be as she hasn't been around very much.

    Hope pulls out the ODD KEY and shows it to Fate. She asks if the key is hers. Hope laughs and says she has no use for such things.
    >> Xenogenitor 09/28/11(Wed)21:57 No.16459212

    >Hope laughs and says she has no use for such things.

    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:57 No.16459223
    Ask who Mr. Friendly is. Prepare for the disappointment of hearing how she's not allowed to tell us.
    >> Hope !!Ksq8t/NVL9S 09/28/11(Wed)22:11 No.16459419
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    Hope asks Fate who Mr. Friendly is. Fate says that she can not tell.
    Hope expected that.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:31 No.16459691
    Tell her to give you a reason to help her get out of there

    If she doesn't have one then say goodbye and go out the trop door
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:34 No.16459732
    check the downward hatch. can you open it?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 09/28/11(Wed)22:35 No.16459750
    Ask Fate if she can use her telescope punch to break a hole in the wall.
    >> Hope !!Ksq8t/NVL9S 09/28/11(Wed)22:46 No.16459868
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    Fate seems to be perfectly content staying right where she is.
    Hope decides to check out the hatch. It opens easily but the other side is pitch black.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:48 No.16459881
    Magic glowy hand time. Make it a steady light source and try not to be catch on fire.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:49 No.16459897

    Make fire to illuminate the room.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:53 No.16459938
    can you make a ball of just light out of magic or only fire? try a light and head down.
    >> Hope !!Ksq8t/NVL9S 09/28/11(Wed)23:02 No.16460015
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    Hope tries to cast BALL OF LIGHT but nothing happens. She casts Fire and holds it in her hand as she peaks down the shoot.
    She still can't see very far.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:05 No.16460047
    throw it down.
    >> Hope !!Ksq8t/NVL9S 09/28/11(Wed)23:10 No.16460105
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    >Throw it down

    As soon as Hope tosses the ball it vanishes.

    She's not as happy with her new powers now..
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:11 No.16460124
    sigh and head down with the fire in hand.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:23 No.16460246
    tell your fucking powers to work like they are fucking supposed to!
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:25 No.16460273
    take off your hat and light it on fire and drop it.
    >> End of Chapter 2 Hope !!Ksq8t/NVL9S 09/28/11(Wed)23:28 No.16460292
    I think I started this at a bad time, I'll try it again earlier tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:30 No.16460325
    hope you all are happy. this is why no one makes image quests here anymore, text quests get all the attention.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:34 No.16460366
    They've mostly all moved to tgchan. The slower speed allows for better art, at the expense of a smaller poster base.

    Also the posters there are generally perverted creepy bastards.

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