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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 10/16/11(Sun)01:55 No.16639720 File1318744538.jpg-(109 KB, 653x787, 1308153990203.jpg)
 Azyra gives only moderately more reaction than a brick wall would, but she nods mutely in acceptance. “In the future, do remember this- I expect you to be my heir! And because of that, among other reasons, I value your opinion highly- Even aside from all that, you are my only daughter, after all.” you point out. “If you have an opinion- or even desire- bring it to my attention. I am happy to give you the opportunity to practice your abilities, or show them off, my dear. In fact, in ten years, or even five, perhaps, I was thinking you could... tour the services in Mza. How would you like to visit the Navy, the police, the administration offices?”
“I... I've been there before, father.” Azyra replies, slightly confused.
“I meant working. I think you ought to spend a year or two in every branch of the Mza government- After all, you're going to have to run it, so you'll need to know how it works. Anyway, you ought to find it interesting.” you are mildly amused to see her face, expression totally aghast, as you say this. Her mind is filled with a startled anger, upset that you are planning out her life for her, but also feeling quite guilty about being upset with her father. Luckily, you do well concealing your knowledge and amusement. “Think it over, Azyra. I suspect the idea will grow on you- And anyway, you'll meet people that way.”
“Ah... Father? Regarding your... your whole speech... I'd far prefer to go off to school somewhere instead- Morinth, or Exheln, or something, father. I... would like to travel somewhat, rather than just stay within the Empire.” Her mind is in turmoil, conflicting over being upset that her life is being planned out for her, and a few undercurrents of resentment that you can't follow closely, but mostly it is full of tentative hope, and guilt over the former emotions. |