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10/18/11(Tue)00:56 No.16661457 File1318913786.jpg-(62 KB, 594x428, Kaanka Alternative.jpg)
 Also, even though I've provided a color scheme already, I decided to look up what the fuck a Kaanka was in the first place. I thought I'd heard that it had a red chest and wings or something, so that's why I went for that trim. Looking them up, they actually are fully black except for a white chest. Since they're the "Crimson" Spectres, red should still be there, but I redid the color scheme to be more thematically correct to the bird we are based off of. Pic related is both color schemes side by side, whichever is most wanted is there.
For the Chapter Symbol, I was thinking of your basic Raven Guard raven, just recolored with a human skull inside. If we go with the bone colored pauldrons, maybe a red raven with a bone colored skull, but if we go with the crimson pauldrons we can do a black raven with a bone colored skull.
Thoughts? |