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10/24/11(Mon)17:43 No.16727832 File1319492637.jpg-(78 KB, 600x857, liara_t_soni_super.jpg)
 "So, the Asari."
"Oh, I was just reading this thing... you know how the Asari...well, they have that strange breeding pattern?"
"Right. Sexual but non-genetic, a sort of psychic meme-based gametic system. They have that whole, 'go out and find other things to brain-bond with' religion. Not that they find many takers, ugh."
"Indeed. I know it's necessary to their culture and all...but it's still xenophilia. I don't want to compare them to animals, but....they don't look like us. Don't smell like us. Don't have the proper pheromones."
"Yes, I could see doing so as a sort of...well, diplomatic exchange or political favor, but..."
"Right. Anyway, you've heard of that new species, right? The one the Turians bumped into, and immediately started up a shooting war?"
"Oh, them. The...what was it. Yoo-mani, something like that? What about them?"
"Right. It seems they have a non-seasonal mating system."
"You're awfully interested in other species' breeding habits today. Something you want to tell me about?"
"Bear with me here. So these...whatevers... like I said, they don't have mating seasons. So like most non-cyclic breeders, they don't use chemical or chronological signals to initiate mating. They're primarily visually stimulated, probably some olfactory or auditory secondary stimulus."
"Oh, like the-"
"Right. Shameless little buggers. Anyway... These Yoo-mani, here's the thing. They look almost exactly like Asari. I mean, if you didn't know better you'd think they had common evolutionary ancestry."
"That's...what? That seems astronomically unlikely." |