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10/26/11(Wed)02:31 No.16740383 File1319610690.jpg-(286 KB, 1003x726, 1302695891846.jpg)
 After the shouting, objections, arguments, and general complaining died down, they all burned fate to survive, and said that their ship retreated from the fight instead of being outright destroyed. I mentioned that ultimately the GM decided what condition their ship survived in, and I ruled that the component damage/destruction/etc. inflicted before their ship's final explosion remained. Which incidentally included a destroyed result on, amongst other things, the ship's warp engine. So that left them limping along in real space. In the middle of nowhere. With less than 6 months worth of supplies in their holds. Offhand I rolled a d10 to see how many years they were on sublight from the nearest star system. It came up an 8.
This caused another stir from the players, they said that they had burned fate and thus I was required to have them survive the situation. I told them that they did, but the rest of the crew didn't have fate to burn, did they? So the PCs would survive.
They would survive the next 8 years of famine, riots, mutiny, outright warfare, starvation, and cannibalism. They would survive all the crew, from the lowliest bilge rat to the highest officer, turning on each other for what meager supplies remained. They would survive to see their cruiser degenerate into a ghost ship manned only by the four PCs, gnawing on the bones of their fellow men, kept alive only by the twisted whims of fate. |