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10/26/11(Wed)23:58 No.16749677 File1319687898.jpg-(61 KB, 800x765, 100_3450.jpg)
 Ever heard of Blood Meridian by McCormick. There a character in there, a scalp hunter who goes by the name of Judge Holden. For a quick rundown, he's:
a mysterious figure, a cold-blooded killer, and a pedophile. Aside from the children he openly kills, he is seen enticing children with sweets, he has a naked 12 year old girl in his room, and a child often goes missing when he is in the vicinity. Holden displays a preternatural breadth of knowledge and skills — paleontology, archaeology, linguistics, law, technical drawing, geology, chemistry, prestidigitation, and philosophy, to name a few. He is extremely tall, massive in frame, and enormously strong, capable of holding and wielding a Howitzer cannon much like a regular gun. His skin is so pale as to have almost no pigment. He is entirely hairless, not even having eyebrows or eyelashes. This strange appearance, as well as his keen, extremely fast reflexes, strength, apparent immunity to sleep and aging, and other abilities point to his being something other than human.
Course, that's just a basic rundown. He's much, much, much worse in the book.
Anyways, that's how I'd imagine the Chaos counterpart to these guys to be like. |