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10/30/11(Sun)23:58 No.16791751 File1320033506.jpg-(27 KB, 283x378, bestgameyouneverplayed..jpg)
 While Egon and the E.M.H researched the mutagen, you sent teams of your troops out to loot caches of high technology in the wastelands, desperate to bolster your own meager resources with whatever the ravaged world could offer you. You walked away with a nice haul of power armor, advanced weapons, and nuclear warheads. Finally, Egon reports that the substance, called “F.E.M.” for Forced Evolutionary Mutagen, is vulnerable to destruction when bathed in a reality stabilization field, such as that given off by reality emitters. Now knowing the key to its destruction, you wiped the planet clean of the contamination and lifted off after an almost disastrous side trip to the Boomer's homebase.
On returning to base you were awarded with a science team of 20 X-COM scientists and a few sets of Advanced Power Armor mk2 for your troops. You regrouped, resupplied, and set out again to rescue the last TG base in the area. However, things did not go as planned.
On arrival in the system, a Dark Matter world, you were quickly detected by the Greys, who opted to pull their ships back rather than risk a confrontation with the one mile long battleship that they saw. Upon sending an away team to the TG base on Earth, everything seemed to be in order at first glance. The problem seemed to be some minor base damage from the Event, and Mouse set about repairing the equipment. However, several things didn't add up, and eventually the team concluding the base had been compromised. Unfortunately this realization came too late, as Mouse had been converted to a Sandman, and Spike and the Aurors were infected by nanites picked up from the base cafeteria. Attempting to recover their troops and flee, the Indefatigable beamed aboard the away team only for Mouse to attack and try to infect the rest of the ship. Luckily he was subdued before he could inflict much damage. The Storm and its escorts made the transpace jump back to base. |