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!vv/Nr3MYLo 11/05/11(Sat)19:02 No.16851053 File1320534155.jpg-(43 KB, 579x450, MarkOfChaos.jpg)
 Important Personal: >Kharn the Betrayer >Ahriman >Lucius the Eternal >Typhus >Doomrider >Eliphas >Master of Hounds, an Iron Warrior cyborg >Ishdra, your waifu >Noddaba, your horribly named abomination of a tentacle-spawn >Asuya, High Seer of Terra >Asukan, a Khornate Wraith-Giant >Alpharius/Omegon
After you order Ahriman to have the ship searched for anything suspicious, he turns and exits the workshop. Suddenly you hear a voice crack in over the vox. From the sickly coarse tone, you can tell it’s Typhus.
“Abaddon, you’re requested at the bridge. Your xeno concubine just murdered one of my plague marines and is demanding… >”WHERE IS THAT APALLING BARBARIAN SCUMFUCK?!” “…rather loudly to know where you are.”
As the Traveler tunes off you hear a loud noise. You turn around and see Kharn lying on the ground, having just toppled over. Blood leaks out from his very nasty power claw wounds.
What now, warmaster?
(rolls are 1d100 with higher being better, and any rolls of 66, 77, 88, or 99 will result in that action being chosen above all and "enhanced", as it has clearly been blessed by the Dark Gods) |