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!EGl50Sr6go 01/07/12(Sat)02:06 No.17451010 File1325919970.png-(1.74 MB, 1800x1200, 1324008170184.png)
 A chilling black fire overtakes you and your steed, it seems as though you are cloaked in shadows. Testing your control over the strange new power, you note that it can move anywhere you command it. Throwing the cloak on again, Mercy neighs and his own fire bursts into life around his legs. Its time.
You heft your glaive, and spur the horse onwards, charging up through the tunnel. Faster and Faster you go, up and up and up. Several side passes wizz by as you continue your ascent, and you could have sworn you saw trembling greenskins in one of them. No matter, you are almost free.
Mercy seems to smell something on the air and gallops faster, faster still burning towards the exit and sky you have so longed to see. Then you see it. LIGHT!
Pointing your glaive forward, incase this leads to some orc camp or something, you put on one final burst of speed when you finally come out to find the deep blue sky.
If you had eyes, you probably would have cried, the absolute majesty of the sight you see moves you in ways you have never before felt. You take continue to take in the sight, but not before you Mercy's "Huffs" finally get you to look down.
You now hang precariously on a very narrow ledge leading to a VERY long drop. In fact, its not even a cliff you are on, whatever arcane magic is floating around your vision allows you to see that we are on a giant hunk of rock floating over the ocean. Glancing around you see many other floating islands like around, off in the distance you see billowing black clouds.
You have only a moment to question before the rock you were standing on breaks under the weight of an armored rider and horse. You plummet into the deep blue ocean that awaits below.
Roll 1d40. 35+determines how you break your fall.
I'm going to end this session very soon, its 3:30am here. |