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01/18/12(Wed)23:02 No.17590357 File1326945758.jpg-(61 KB, 640x480, zerg3prev.jpg)
 >>17590191 >>17590137 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=cvkBvzpbBPs#t=148s
(You two! Hey! HEY! HEY! Calm down, just calm down! Calm down. Just caaalm down!)
>>17590208 >>17590191 (Good gawd, TUCAMP. Your rolls are clearly in bed with Bernie. That's a terrible, terrible thing to see happen) A wraith manages to sear the first pod off of the compromised heighliner, but the second contracts disgustingly, like a massive pimple retreating into flesh, before our fire destroys it. A moment later, the Infested Terran piloting the craft is dead. One of Bernie's units is in the cockpit.
Our carriers, covering the heighliners as their engines spool up to leave, manage to destroy one of the remaining pods before it can attach to a heighliner. It explodes into a pink, slushy mucus.
The other two are more evasive, and manage to attach to their targets.
(One heighliner is captured, and two are being boarded, in case that was unclear. Roll 2d20 to see if you can remove the pods before they get all up in your business)
The rest of our forces come out of Warp nearby the perimeter of the fight, their momentary disarray covered by the forward troops the heighliners delivered. |