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01/21/12(Sat)11:01 No.17618753 File1327161681.jpg-(163 KB, 1024x768, sq189.jpg)
 In the tree-hole, you encountered an old and apparently lonely spider, who agreed to let you live inside the hole, provided that you would share some food with him. After quickly building a rudimentary web nest for yourself and your now quite large family, you and your mate are resting near it, waiting for your eggs to hatch. Andor is also resting nearby, as carrying all of you and your stuff was quite laborious. The old spider is in his web. Your siblings and Isaac are inside the nest. What do you do?
>How this works. Suggest an action and then depending how feasible it is, the spider will act.
You are just an ordinary spider in moder day earth. You have no special powers, other than your intellect.
Making silk costs proteins, which you can restore by eating. Your mate has his own protein reserves. Making the nest costs you both 15 proteins, which leaves you both with 75.
You can upgrade your nest with silk.Your nest currently has the following improvements: >Small rudimentary web nest: - web-sacks containing 24 food, 10 units of wood, 3 chitin plates and your egg-sack. |