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!em3oEn8LAg 01/23/12(Mon)17:23 No.17647624 File1327357405.jpg-(34 KB, 223x310, duskmantle.jpg)
 From within the tangled heart of your rags, you produce the Izzet guild signet you stole earlier. "What do you think I could fetch for this?" you ask, waggling your non-existent eyebrows. The vampire seizes upon the Signet, tugging slightly when you hold onto the chain. Peering at the gem, he smiles broadly, his great empty eyes reflecting nothing. "Well, well, quite the treasure," he says. "The necrosages could make some good use of this, provided you didn't just stab a man for it. Go on in, one of them should be about..." He clutches a second more on the signet before releasing it to you, hissing softly as you leave him behind and work your way into the guildhall. The halls of Duskmantle appear surprisingly empty to the naked eye, but your trained gaze can pick out the myriad secret passageways and doors hidden along the walls. Twisting the hidden lever that opens one such door, you step into a small meeting chamber most frequently used for clandestine debriefings or assignments within the guild (every assignment within the guild is clandestine). Two of the withered necrosages are conversing in low tones. They mark you with their eyes as you enter, but otherwise pay you no mind. After a few seconds, one of them nods to the other one, murmurs one last something, and departs through another secret entrance on the far wall. The remaining necrosage raises his hand calmly, and you can hear the echoing -click-click-click- of all the doorways to this chamber locking around you, secluding the two of you. "There," the aged wizard says, stretching the dried flesh of his face with a thin smile. "Now what have you brought for the secret-keepers?" |