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01/24/12(Tue)14:50 No.17658505 File1327434647.jpg-(413 KB, 1600x1042, Starcraft2 human_space_station.jpg)
It is just past 1700 hours when the squadron returns to base. All crew are ordered off the ship for debriefings to the displeasure of all. By the time you make your way past the crowd of crewmen disembarking and exit the ship local Engineers and dock workers have already begun moving repair equipment into place.
Chief Kavos catches up with you. "Pilot Sonia, you should get to your squardon briefing room, I have to attend to the rest of the crew."
It doesnt take long for you to run into Mike and Alex who were looking for you. Alex having been left behind because his ship was under repair and Mike being the only one in your flight who knows where the briefing room is.
The amphitheatre isnt hard to find, and is larger than you expected. Big enough to hold seventy people if all of the seating was occupied. Mike leads you over to some empty seats with '3rd flight' scrawled on them. This is the first time you've actually seen all of the other pilots from the squadron at once. A mix of men and women, mostly human but a couple of Dro'all, everyone in clothing that looks disheveled, be it jumpsuit or duty uniform. You meanwhile are still wearing the same vac-suit armor you'd worn while fighting, worried that some of the patched hull breaches might pop.
Knight Lt Dayton is the last to arrive, wearing a comparatively pristine looking jumpsuit with a jacket uniform overtop. |