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!cBEvEK4Lak 02/01/12(Wed)22:15 No.17768827 File1328152512.jpg-(37 KB, 400x400, MP-02A_Oggo_Attack_Mode.jpg)
 Took a bit longer than I thought, sorry.
>>17766260 >>17766352 "Hey, Monsha, stay away from- Hey!" You turn to see Monsha reaching for the girl, a perverted grin on his face.
“Relax, Burning! Just sampling the new-“ Monsha is quickly silenced as the girl springs up, and punches him in the face hard enough to cut his upper lip. He flies back with a yelp, as the girl hops out, adopting a combat stance. You and Karcs, who has just poked his head out of his GM, stare at her, jaws slack. She stares at Monsha, red hair framing her piercing green eyes, which stare at the perverted soldier in fury.
“Bernard Monsha,” she says, evenly yet furiously, “I have no desire to be… “A notch on your bedpost,” as you put it. Back away.” The cigarette falls from your mouth onto the floor, slowly burning out. Monsha, upper lip bleeding, complies, spitting and cursing the whole way.
“Who are you?” you say, regaining your tough-as-nails composure in a moment. The girl slowly turns her head towards you, staring directly into your eyes.
“Lieutenant South Burning. Hello. My name is-“ Her eyes suddenly widen, and she looks around, panicked. She clutches her head in pain, just as the ship is suddenly rocked by an explosion coming from the starboard side, likely the catapult dock. You see the girl’s eyes roll back in her head as she falls to the floor, and before you can jump down to pick her up, an Oggo bursts into the hangar, machine gun blazing!