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02/04/12(Sat)14:51 No.17803900 File1328385105.jpg-(1.1 MB, 2633x2456, Sewer map 8.jpg)
 You look back at the group, hesitating before suggesting the split.
"You really think thats a good idea chief?" Alessa readjusted her melta. "We should probably grab the twins too if possible. They know their stuff."
Elizabeth grinned. "More sisters means we can keep the tunnels clear... who knows. Might have a nice barbeque. I, for one, would like to see more of that Living Saint's chainsword... Smiting down daemons with spinning blades and fire..."
Rodwen shot her an odd glance before meeting your gaze. "If you're sure... Be careful Mon-keigh. Remember, do not neglect your abilities."
The three of them turn and slowly go back the way they came. Caramel was standing there, fidgeting with her sword. "I am unworthy for this opportunity Exalted Martyr..."
You cut her off with a wave of your hand, carefully making your way into the next room.
A blast of steam and a putrid odor greeted you, making you take a step back and your eyes water. This room was filled with pipes and vents, all along the walls and some even in the middle of the room. Many had ruptured, leaking acrid steam into the room. Visibility was terrible but you think you could make out a door to the north and a river of sludge to the south.
You glanced down and noticed there was a fleshy growth covering the ground, extending from where you saw the door. |