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!!0ZviLFh59My 02/04/12(Sat)23:53 No.17810510 File1328417622.jpg-(62 KB, 808x808, 1326771510953.jpg)
Minna sputters, tears still flowing down her cheeks, and she raises the box to cover her gaping mouth out of reflex.
"The fuck, you gonna EAT it? C'mon smalltime, open it already!"
Minna's feet scrabble on the floorboards as she shoves her chair back a few inches. "The doctor. Don't move, you need the d-doctor-" Minna starts to rise, but you risk shifting just far enough to snag her wrist before she can.
"Minna," you say seriously, "right now I need you to open the goddamn box. Seriously."
Minna's eyes are wild, confused, shining with tears - but they're focused on you, which is good. That's what you want, not the thousand-yard-stare. Focused on you.
Minna shakily flops into the folding chair again, and you recline into the pillows once more. "Seriously, I can't get you alone for ten seconds when I actually *want* to, so, open it."
She opens it. Marveling at the contents, she withdraws the pilots chronometer, what plebes call a "watch," and cradles it gently.
"A German maker," she mutters, turning it over to find the date. "Pre-war."
"One of the best," you say, satisfied.
"And expensive as hell," she says, her voice becoming dangerously guttural. "What's the meaning of this?" Her eyes flash at you, still wet, but full of fury.
>Answer? |