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02/16/12(Thu)03:07 No.17972655 File: 1329379648.gif-(4 KB, 192x132, sign_danger-corrosive-haz2.gif)
 >>17972452 (I'm going with this, rather than >>17972455, because it makes the fight more awesome, despite how funny it would be if he just botched right out of the gate)
The creature that flies out of the tank moves at blinding speeds, far faster than our corroded zergleks can account for. Within two seconds, it has grabbed one of the zergleks and physically lifted it, pummeling another against a wall with its comrade before using its still-active frame to block the fire from the other zergleks. Throwing that one aside, it leaps onto the front of another, tears its frame open in one motion, and releases a large, powerful tongue from its mouth, which wraps around the weak organic being inside the zerglek and crushes it into a milky paste.
Thankfully, this is the extent of its damage. the remaining seven zergleks reduce the humanoid creature into a quickly-dispersing plasma cloud before it can move on.
Environment alarms blare, but the sound we hear is the piercing psionic wail emanating from where the humanoid was, echoing through our minds.
We begin moving the zergleks out of the area. The bridge ought to be a less hazardous environment, now.
(We're definitely not finding a better place to stop than right there. We should be fine for the regular time next week) |