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!!0ZviLFh59My 02/15/12(Wed)22:21 No.17968870 File: 1329362463.png-(679 KB, 853x480, 131839113754.png)
 "Yeah, radio chatter, about that," Sean says, his expression darkening. "Minna took your report seriously. She actually woke me up early to talk about it."
Sean's expression grows darker. "We've contacted all the other bases hit during Home Run-"
"Home Run?"
"That's what they're calling the surprise attacks, now. Because they stole Home Base, geddit?"
You shrug.
"Uncultured swine."
"You're starting to sound like Perrine."
"You take that *back,* Sean breathes, reaching for a wrench, and you throw your hands up in mock surrender.
"So ANYWAYS," Sean says with exasperation, tapping the wrench in his palm, "they've been tearing about every target hit, including Castle Barin here, and we can't find any transmitters, any equipment, any antennas... not a single goddamn thing. But we're reading constant broadcasts; STRONG broadcasts at all those locations... even here."
You think about that. There's something oddly familiar about this, but you can't quite place it.
"Whoops. Our time is short," Sean says, nodding at somebody behind you. You turn to see Yeager flagging you down. Chuck, that is. |