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!!FOs+3LWXJDT 02/18/12(Sat)01:58 No.17996086 File: 1329548300.jpg-(116 KB, 516x778, Gumskiv Multaker.jpg)
“That...that would be me, sir?”
“You?!” He starts, frisbeeing the scalp back on her pile, wrecking the in-out order, “Well how about that. How’s that coming along?”
“Well s-”
“Ohhhhhh that’s right you can’t leave to check the hold due to how dangerous the path there’s gotten, I understand,” The gnome nods sagely, giving you another wink, “I guess hard trekking’s no good for a woman on her own, eh? She’d break a nail! I’m sure, though, if it’s off the books and for a LARGE sum of money, someone might be willing to escort a lady. Maybe even keep her warm during the desert nights eh? Haha!!”
“...” You just about see the daggers she’s glaring before they crumple up into another “Y...Yes sir.”
“Atta girl. Now scoot, the boys’ve gotta talk business.”
“But sir I haven’t finished counting-”
“Ut-ut-ut...scoot,” Welskin tuts, miming a walking action with his fingers, “Don’t worry your pretty head over the numbers, I already counted them for you a minute ago. Just go out and be beautiful for me, would ya? Maybe go stamp some paperwork.”
Keeping her head bowed with a ‘sir’, she manages to mumble an ‘excuse me’ as she moves past you, virtually clinging to the wall as she slips around and recloses the door, leaving the two of you alone. A silence hangs for a long moment as Welskin smiles at you over the top rim of his glasses, looking eminently pleased with himself.
“...Well? This room’s sound and scry proof,” He informs you, “No-one’s going to be eavesdropping on this chat. So if there’s something you want to say before we get down to the nits...” |