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!DowN/N3yMY 02/20/12(Mon)09:38 No.18026642 File: 1329748709.jpg-(235 KB, 620x800, 633c00a0a5a2647c3b64360139e2d1(...).jpg)
 YOu decide to get that event ready for the ladies.
Not knowing what they might like, you ponder who to ask for opinions.
'hmnnnn I'm sure Erica would just say to serve them good food. and that's already a given.' 'Sakura would want that teddybear picnic, but a picnic at night just isn't right.' 'Ah i know!'
You head down to the dorms. Once there, you head to Keima's room and knock on his door.
"Hey Keima, can I talk to Elsie for a bit?" you say as he lets you into the room.
"Uh, sure I guess" He takes out his PSP and turns it on. "Elsi, active mode. Susan wants to talk to you."
Elsie materializes into her form of a teenage girl. "Hi Susan, What's up?"
"Well," you being to explain "I promised the ladies of the class something for this evening." "But i'm not quite sure what to do for them that would be special enough."
"OH I KNOW WHAT WOULD BE FUN!" Elsie exclaims. "A BALL!" "Everyone loves frilly dresses and dancing." she adds.
"That's a great idea!" "Don't forget to make the guys come too so the ladies will have someone to dance with... WAIT! MAKE IS A MASQUERADE! It'll be more fun that way!" she finishes with a smile. "That seems like it would be fun. You'll come as well right? it was your idea afterall." You ask her. "Only if Nii-sama will let me." She defers to keima.
"So, Keima would you let her come? You are invited as well of course." Elsie looks at Keima with puppydog eyes, and you give him an earnest look. "Okay. But I refuse to dance."
"YAAAAAAAAAAY!" Elsie jumps with joy. |