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!DowN/N3yMY 02/21/12(Tue)00:12 No.18036186 File: 1329801162.jpg-(79 KB, 567x954, IchigoMashimaro-Matsuri.jpg)
 You mingle some more, and decide to talk to people you have not actually talked to in class.
In one table you find the younger you saw in class earlier with a ferret, beside her, the boy in a green suit a reindeer took out in the combat exercises. On the table is her ferret and an ermine. The ermine seems to be smoking a cigarette.
"Hi there guys. Enjoying yourselves?" You ask them
"Yes, thank you."The boy in green answers "Yes." The girl gives you a small smile.
"I don't think we've peen properly introduced yet." You continue, "Im Susan, and that rabbit is my footman Jakob. My device Kraus is indisposed right now.
"I'm Negi Springfield," the redhaired boy says while shaking your hand "This is my familiar Camo,"pointing to the ermine.
"Yo bro, cool shindig." The ermine tells you with a puff of unscented smoke.
"I'm Matsuri, this is John my pet." The ggirl tells you. "Oh he doesnt speak?" you ask her. "No. He's a normal ferret, i took him with me here."
"well then, Negi, Matsuri. I hope you two enjoy yourselves. If you need anything call on me or Jakob, you can also count on Kraus." You bow to them and turn away.
walking around once more you check on Amazoness wondering how she would fare in this setting. You find her at a table with other people. She's seems to be enjoying herself, and the company. As you take a step towards them you hear a loud crash at the bar.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- okay guys i'll be grabbing lunch. brb. |