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!!jcg/Jrhuv6C 02/21/12(Tue)21:11 No.18047079 File: 1329876662.jpg-(212 KB, 540x400, 020.jpg)
 You raise your pistol to help MINHELM but she has this. She runs the blade for a few extra seconds to shake the blood off and smooths her uniform with a cough.
"Not bad at all, Ma'am."
>>18046873 >>18046849 >>18046814 Okay, dunno why you think Nel has a stubber. Leokadia has one, but all nell has is a handful of shotgun shells.
As the shot gun here is a heretic shotgun, it's best not to use it, you wager. Minhelm stamps on it for good measure.
You loot from them a few more SHOT GUN SHELLS, which you give to NEL to carry and a KRAK GRENADE, that still bears the Aquilla, unlike the shotguns, and seems to have just been looted from a legitimate source.
MINHELM gives it an approving heft, then pockets it.