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02/23/12(Thu)20:22 No.18073042 File: 1330046527.png-(16 KB, 640x640, 25.png)
 The more I spend in this place the cooler it looks. I've seen lots of mages! Mostly humans and elves, I think I saw a satyr... Haven't seen the one that was in the caravan.
"Hey, about your questions.." >"Yes?" "I haven't noticed any sort of strange things with my vision. I couldn't see the healer because, well, I was blind!" >"Not even after you were granted sight?" "No, he was just gone." >"He? How old do you think he was? Did he have any sort of dialect?" "Not very old I guess. And I don't know about dialects..."
We arrive at a door. Inside the room there's a human sitting on a bed.
>"Dionne, I have a visitor who might interest you?" >"Oh please, it better not be-" >"No, not Scott. I have a visitor who has quite interesting eyes. He claims that his blindness was cured by someone." >".. Well, that's a quite thing." >"I will leave him with you. Do not remove his eyes. Test if they have any special proportions." The old man leaves the room. >"He was kidding about removing eyes, honestly."
[ Continuing later, archive thread if you will. Thanks for playing. ] |