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!Q7t.srvWZ6 02/23/12(Thu)23:55 No.18076064 File: 1330059333.jpg-(101 KB, 1000x563, DA2__Harvester50301.jpg)
 >>18075793 >>18075797
"The main junction then." You say. The band around your upper arm pulses golden yellow, a thrums with a steady, pleased pulse. "Lead the way." You gesture. Ashwood nods, and without another word, sprints off, you doing your best to keep up. After a while, you can hear them walking in the distance, great clattering steps of stone on stone. Or metal on stone. But still some distance away.
You reach the main junction, and skid to a halt, looking around for the enemy. "I don't see them," Says Ashwood. "Could we have lost them some how?" "Not with the Magister hanging around to issue orders..." You say. Then you see them, marching in formation up the main row. To the fore are two more clay golems, like the kind you iced before. Behind them are two more, made of cold metal. They look like walking suits of armor, except for the faces, which are shaped like the clay ones. They have a core-mark, but theirs is on the left side of their chests, right where a heart would be.
Then you see it. It is a 10ft tall conglomeration of yellowed and green flesh, a walking pile of corpses in a pustule-like, rounded blob of meat. It walks on low massive legs, waddling like a water creature. It has two arms, for lack of a better term. One is bloated and swolen, with a span that looks like it could reach around your torso in one go. The other is split at the elbow, breaking into two arms, with hands, which look each look like the biggest arm you've ever seen in a man. What you thought was a line of stitches in its "center" splits open, into a maw filled with jagged mockery of teeth. More like random heapings of bone arranged in a mouth-shape. Black ichor oozes out from this new gap, reeking of the grave. |