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!DowN/N3yMY 02/24/12(Fri)09:57 No.18080861 File: 1330095426.jpg-(17 KB, 400x266, dinnerparty.jpg)
 The day before the extended rest period. You invite your team and a few other friends for lunch.
In an unused classroom you converted into a replica of a Victorian dining room you reveal your identity and past.
you look around at thier reactions. Elsie is crying openly inside Keima's PSP, while her partner is stoic as usual. Gai sits quietly in his chair, his head low. Ursula and Erica are beside you, holding your hands. Shinku silently sips some tea, while Jun wipes 'something that got into his eye'. Sakura is bawwwing, her tears unrestrained. Amazoness also in tears tries to comfort her. Next to Sakura, Nanoha grips her staff tightly with a shaking hand. You reach out to the two youngest in the room "Hey, It's all right. That's the past now. Don't concern yourselves too much with it." Sakura throws you a smile, Nanoha still holds her staff tightly, but the shaking has ceased.
"Anyway." you continue "Looks at my new hat." you take out your bowler hat / TIME SHENANIGANS EARLY WARNING DEVICE. You then proceed to tell them about time travel and the dangers of paradoxes. "...And so, if you guys see me wearing this hat, that means time shenanigans are afoot." "You must not tell me youve seen me wear this hat. Nor must you tell me anything i did or say while wearing it."
The group, while most of them are still visibly confused, agrees to this. "oh and one final thing" you add "If you ever see me wear this hat on top of my other hat, you should brace yourself for something big." |