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!DowN/N3yMY 02/25/12(Sat)11:33 No.18093891 File: 1330187633.jpg-(48 KB, 640x360, 640px--SS-Eclipse-_Hayate_no_G(...).jpg)
 >>18093783 You haul ass to the diningroom, and there find about a dozen people seated around an empty long table made from the all the tables in the room joined together.
You see the guy from the plane and the guy with the sword, there's your twins, Eye patch katana chick, MEEYAFOOJI, Perrinne, THE SOFTNESS, Trude and a redhead you've never seen before, and Eila. The only ones missing were Sanya, Lucchinni and The SOFTNESS II
All eyes turn on you as you walk in. "Now... WOULD YOU KINDLY EXPLAIN YOURSELF?" "Erica, can't we do this a where it's little more private?" "NO. DO IT HERE." her head bent low, not looking you in the eyes. Her shoulders beginning to shake. "TELL THEM ALL..." |