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!DowN/N3yMY 02/27/12(Mon)22:59 No.18129470 File: 1330401592.jpg-(226 KB, 728x1036, HMS SOFTNESS-3 naval manuevers.jpg)
 You and the twins head to the table Minna's in. as you sit down, the new witch says, "So, this is the guy that blasted that large alien carrier?" "Yes ma'am," you tell her, eyes quickly darting down for a visual inventory "I just did what i had to do."
'SOFTNESS 3 AHOY!' an imaginary lookout in an imaginary crow's nest calls out. 'FULL SPEED AHEAD! BLOOD AND HONOUR!' you yell as you wear your imaginary captains hat on the deck of your imaginary galleon 'VICTORY AT SEA!' your imaginary crew replies.
"Impressive." she says. Minna makes the introductions. "This is Sergeant Wilma Bishop, she flew in with the rest of the Isle of Wight Detachment Group to assist us with clean up"
"Nice to meet you miss Bishop," you say as you extend your hand. "Thank you for your assistance earlier."
"Oh, not at all. Me and the girls were already in the air for patrol, so we all just flew as fast here as we could when the alarm went out. We wish we could have been here earlier." she replies.
"YOur last name is also Bishop?" you ask her, "Any relation to Lynnette over here?" "Yeah. We're sisters."
On your imaginary galleon a hundred imaginary voices yell out 'FUCCCCCCCK YEAH!'
[ ]fire the torpedoes [ ]prepare boarding party [ ]trim the sails
>fucking captcha y u no accept |