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02/28/12(Tue)19:07 No.18139859 File: 1330474056.jpg-(71 KB, 400x473, wolfhound.jpg)
 Your stomach takes the opportunity to remind you that the last meal you ate was a light snack on the dropship earlier this morning. You briefly consider heading to one of the nicer restaurants you saw on your walk over, maybe grabbing an early bird special, but you decide to get something instead from the local cafeteria, food being free for students.
You turn in the borrowed neurohelmet and cooling vest for the simulators (your own being stashed in your mech) before heading outside. Fall in harlech is somewhat chilly, and you're gratified to have only to walk a short way's to enter the cafeteria.
After selecting your meal, you look for a place to sit. You spot a gaggle of younger students, most of them probably not even legal, all around one table, with two or three seats open. You also spot your roommate, Jared Carter, seated at a table.
[ ] Sit with group of students? [ ] Sit with Carter? [ ] Sit alone? |