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!DowN/N3yMY 02/29/12(Wed)07:33 No.18148446 File: 1330518789.jpg-(49 KB, 640x480, tatami.jpg)
 >[x]go in
You tell the girls to head down the hallway, and back into the staircase, you'll keep mental contact with them.
You turn invisible. [30mins] Opening the door, you pause to see if anything happens [28mins] You walk into the small, empty six tatami room. The window is covered by thick brown sackloth, preventing anyone in the building across the street to see you. A bag of garbage is in the corner, you were unable to take it downstairs on the day you met Mike. There is no futon, no bed. Just the floor.
There, on a hook, hangs your old jacket. You got it the first day you went into hiding, when you were forced to sleep in a park. You found it on a bench. 2 sizes too big, and with holes in the elbows, it still kept you warm enough on those cold nights.
To one side, is the closet. Completely empty save for a few clothes you bought prior to moving in.
And there, leaning against the wall is your bike. |