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03/01/12(Thu)11:20 No.18161027 File: 1330618810.png-(16 KB, 640x640, 62.png)
 "Do we really need to hurt him? I could look around in the mansion for some alcohol. If we get him drunk and appeal to his ego, he might tell us everything we need to know." >Nxise: "... That's actually smart. Caowe are very fond of alcohol, bit like dwarves. I wouldn't be surprised if he had alcohol stashed in the manor." Hehe, this is gonna be great. --- I found plenty of booze. He is much happier now and doesn't complain about his leg anymore. >Nx: "Okay. So, what's your name?" >Nm: "Haw! Still trying to- hih- interrogate me? Suure. I cannot really l- lose anything right now anyway and you are being awfully nice. Ouki of- of- Rognar. Teror of Rognar taught me. Yeah!" >Nx: "He taught you forbidden necromancy?" >Nm: "Everyone says it's like a bad thing- Just putting souls back to corpses, that's all. But naw, I found some books." >Nx: "Hm. You have caused few deaths around here." >Nm: "Oh, those guyys. I swear that beast of mine is such ahah, killing machine. It was an accident. And I needed corpses, for... experiments, yeah. Kinda succesful. I also have been, uh, translating and prying information from the dead." >Nx: "Information? And what have you been translating?" >Nm: "Few Zeze-era books. Got 'em from a dude. I heard that archmage was offering 4000 pien for information about uh, location of Xhaal." >Nx: "You are not talking about Archmage Bao?" >Nm: "No, uh, Ingram." >Nx: "Dark Archmage... Why would he want to know where Xhaal is?" >Nm: "Dunno. I he heh couldn't find exact location tho." >Nx: "Check his memos. I think this is enough so far." I guess I could ask something. Or loot his shit and get back to Joros. |