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!DowN/N3yMY 03/01/12(Thu)04:21 No.18158700 File: 1330593663.jpg-(108 KB, 817x1200, 453c966ff202a831bcb8a13fdac513(...).jpg)
 >oops posted wrong You take Mike's suggestion and get your team together to discuss the tourney. Keima leads you all to the cafeteria. There, you ask Sakura if she could get Nanoha to join you for lunch. "I'm sorry. Nano-chan says she's having lunch with her team." she finishes with "she says she'll see you later at the gym."
With everyone seated, he begins to discuss your team's chances. "I have been looking through our specs, and I think I may have the basics of a plan. I can't get much data on whe we'll be fighting, so we will have to just make use of predetermined roles."
"Ursula will again cover the skies and act as a distraction as needed. Shinku will join you." "Gai, Amazoness, again I leave the close quarters combat to you two. You both have the highest physical combat capabilities in our group."
"Sakura, Hayate, I want you two to go play artillery. Bombard them with your spells." "Hayate, you will also be incharge of covering for us. YOur speed and versatility will allow you to assist any of us when needed." "Jun, I remember you telling me taht you have some defensive and trapping skills. I want you to work with Hayate to protect Elsi and I."
"We will provide you with information, and tactics in real time. I have also learned some evasive skills, so you need not worry about us too much."
"If any of you have any objections, or would like to add anything. please tell me now." |