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!DowN/N3yMY 03/02/12(Fri)01:44 No.18171476 File: 1330670643.jpg-(48 KB, 350x482, 279c.jpg)
 YOu and your team walk over to the three paper users.
"Great fight guys," you tell them, as you introduce yourself and your team. "You really had us on our toes." The archer says. "If they didn't take me out early, We would've beaten them." the little one says with a frown. "Now, now, Anita. It was your fault for rushing in, even after i told you to back off." The archer says as she pats the small one's head.
"Oh, How rude of us to not introduce ourselves.' She says. "I'm Michelle, this is Maggie." She says as she motions towards the quiet summoner. "And this little hotheat is Anita."
Gai steps forwards, unhooks his helmet and says "I hope I didn't hurt you too much Michelle-san, Maggie-san." "Oh no. The barrier took all of the damage. We arrived out here just fine after you took us out." "I am glad to hear that." Gai says as he gives them both a handshake, linger a fraction longer with the quieter paper user.
"As much as I like pleasantries and all, we really should be checking out the fights." Keima says as he adjusts his glasses.
You and him excuse yourselves and turn to the screens, leaving the others to talk amongst themselves.