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03/02/12(Fri)12:47 No.18176149 File: 1330710475.png-(10 KB, 640x640, 77.png)
 I found her in her room. Doing nothing special in particular, just reading.
>Nxisa: "Tea? Thanks Daniel, I was thinking about getting some." "Yeah. Has something been bothering you?" >Nxisa: "Hah, what do you mean?" "You have been bit anxious." >Nxisa: "Haha, no I have not." "Seriously, tell me. I'm your student. There's no reason why you couldn't share your worries with me. I shared some of mine, so now it is your turn." >Nxisa: "... Well, you got me there. The reason of this trip is not what you might think it is. Sure, we will train a lot, since there will be lots of counter-mages around, but um, how do I put this." "Come on, come on." >Nxisa: "It involves Ing-"
Nenonen bursts into room!
>Nenonen: "There's a fucking dragon out there!" "Uh, what?" >Nxisa: "Ah fuck no." >Nenonen: "Quite large black variant, flying pretty far from us. Come see that shit!" |