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!Q7t.srvWZ6 03/02/12(Fri)18:20 No.18179081 File: 1330730431.jpg-(65 KB, 374x581, S_R.jpg)
As you ride the monorail back to the University, you flip more through the catalog, noticing for the first time the way it is categorized. Mundane up front, followed by Surplus, then Superscience, Anachronism, Occult, Magitek and Exotic.
Flipping through W&U, you find all manner of things, some of which you're sure cant be legal. A man-portable railgun which runs on D batteries (Woops, that's half a dozen D Batteries. Per shot. Ammunition sold separately), focused speakers for psiops shit, along with CDs of "Worst Music Ever". You find Alchemical potions, custom ordered ammunition made of silver, meteoric iron, jacketed with gold, or radium, or even more exotic, like bullets which are actual gel laced with curare, or fire darts made with a solution from a lightning-split oak tree. T-Ray glasses (emitter sold separately), you're very own pair of Hydrogen and Anti-Hydrogen atoms, modern english translations of a number of occult books (Including some of the fun ones). Even weirder, it seems like Wayland-Utani can deal in metahuman enhancement technology, offering several canned gene therapy or chemical treatments, cyber and bioware augmentations, and a service to find doctors to install your enhancements. Apparently its pretty much the magazine for members of the greater metahuman community.
You're back on Campus now. Since its edging near 10, the food court wont be open. You'll have to either try and dig something out of the fridge back at the dorm, or walk off campus again. |