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!DowN/N3yMY 03/04/12(Sun)01:00 No.18196754 File: 1330840802.jpg-(433 KB, 1280x720, -SS-Eclipse-_Hayate_no_Gotoku_(...).jpg)
 The two of you walk down to Mike's office. You show her some of the facilities on the way there, and engage in smalltalk.
Once you arrive, Mike makes the two of you sit down on the couch and begins talking. "Miss Hinagiku, you were recruited by field agent Tama, two weeks ago in your timeframe, under particular circumstances." "he tells me he has given you some basic training, and that is why I allowed you to come here in the middle of training for the basic classes, instead of dropping you in with the next batch of basic trainees."
"With Tama still locked up on assignment in your Dimension, I will be acting as your handler here. You and Ayasaki will be my two wards. I hope you will get along."
"Now, Tama has also told me you have opted to specilize in closerange combat. Is this true?" "Yes sir." She answers. "I see. anyway, I didnt just call you here for introductions. I want to see how far you have gone in training under that furball Tama." he taps his cane on the ground, and the office falls away to reveal the grassy plain Mike often uses for sparring matches with you.
"I want you to show me what you've got." "For easier comparison, I want you to fight Ayasaki here."
"Now you two, Armor up." |