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!!cAsGzl185mF 03/06/12(Tue)21:18 No.18233418 File: 1331086722.jpg-(19 KB, 448x336, Who is flying this thing.jpg)
 rolled 2 = 2
"Leave him, lets get the terminal secure."
By the time Gromm returns, now sporting several black spots on his silver fighter, the rest of you have already secured the area around the Terminal. If there were any Technicals left still headed for the ship the fireball from the exploding fighter scared them off. The Tenth Ranger division reports they've lost track of the walker that was pinging their support craft from long range and will soon arrive to secure the airfield.
"I think I saw the walker headed south towards one of the bridges but I couldnt be sure." Grom reports when he arrives. The three of you take up positions around the parked corvette in case any survivors try something.
"This is Lord Harmen, the surviving crew of the landing corvette has surrendered. We'll be securing it shortly. Meanwhile the ship's er acting captain has some intel I want you to confirm."
"Hey can you hear me?" You hear a kids voice over the com. "So look, everybody left. They said they were headed for one of the other landing zones because our engines were broken? I bet I could fix them but whatever. Also I think the Captain is dead, I mean the real Captain. There's a big hole in the wall back in the command center where he normally sits. Before you come over though can I have the pulse cannons? I found them for the Captain so he said they're mine if we ever sell the ship." "Could you tell them the OTHER part son?" interrupts the Lord. "Oh yeah, the only bridge they knew for sure they'd be able to cross was the closest one to the south. It's this big ugly thing. You'd probably be doing everybody a favour if you blew it up." |